Mafishfinder is starting to remaind me of high school girls on fsce book .. fish and have fun girls....I mean guys.

Your ruining it for the people who actually enjoy reading post

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:25 pm

You are correct, I started looking at this site about 3 weeks ago, was gonna start fishing some of the T's but the BS is what I want to stay away from, life is to short.

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:45 pm

Then fish the kayak trail, 100% guaranteed NO BS!

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:23 pm

I enjoy this website for what it is. A local site for any anglers of MASS to talk about fishing. I don't butt my head into anything when it comes to tourneys, but it's a shame there's so much drama(From what i hear on this site) on the water. I like the idea of competitive fishing, sometimes just seems like it goes too far for a event that isn't part of any club.

From my observations i think all the original MAFF members and anyone who frequently participates in the tourney's should group up discuss the matter as a whole. I've wanted to attend some of the events and meet in person with everyone. Im waiting until everything's running smoothly. An when i get a new boat...

Should also consider doing more stuff like the cookout. Everyone just kicking back having fishing, eating, having a good time...

Despite the confrontations on the site and me not even knowing anybody in person i still enjoy this site alot and really appreciate how alive it is!


Tight Lines MAFF

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:49 pm


I enjoy this website for what it is. A local site for any anglers of MASS to talk about fishing. I don't butt my head into anything when it comes to tourneys, but it's a shame there's so much drama(From what i hear on this site) on the water. I like the idea of competitive fishing, sometimes just seems like it goes too far for a event that isn't part of any club.

From my observations i think all the original MAFF members and anyone who frequently participates in the tourney's should group up discuss the matter as a whole. I've wanted to attend some of the events and meet in person with everyone. Im waiting until everything's running smoothly. An when i get a new boat...

Should also consider doing more stuff like the cookout. Everyone just kicking back having fishing, eating, having a good time...

Despite the confrontations on the site and me not even knowing anybody in person i still enjoy this site alot and really appreciate how alive it is!


Tight Lines MAFF

There is hardly ever any drama on the water during tournies or at the weigh ins other than seeing big bags come in. All the bullsh*t happens here online when people are bored or whatever. Like any other group of people in the whole world, not everybody id going to get along. I'm not active in any other forums like this but would imagine that the conflicts happen everywhere.

Benjenstark10 If you don't like the drama, why start a thread calling all of us girls? Seems kind of hypocritical to me.

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:05 pm

I wasnt referring to you Shawn haven't seen you say anything offensive this was more just that I would rather read about peoples trips it just seems like the drama has made it to every post . I post something and the drama makes it to my post and not this one ones in the past it kind of sucks

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:54 pm

sit back, relax, make some popcorn and just enjoy it for the entertainment value.

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:00 pm

I understand what you mean but can you see my point that if you don't name names and start a thread comparing the members to high school girls then it pretty much covers all of us. I'm not really offended or anything. Just pointing that out. In the great scheme of things there are just a few people that clash. Unfortunately they tend to be louder than everyone else. I totally agree that seeing trips and discussing different techniques is my favorite part of this forum. When I first came on maff the tourneys weren't the main focus. They were a side note. They got really popular over the last two years. I try to avoid the conflicts as much as possible.

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:03 pm

Shawn has called me much worse

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:06 pm

If i could rename the post I would haha I was just frustrated and I don't know anyone personally but I don't have face book for a reason , like I said nothing personal I have actually enjoyed some of your trips and that music vide type thing you had on your profile classic , would it be better if I called everyone metapostal women . Wink joking don't take any offence just fish and have fun like I said

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:08 pm

If i could rename the post I would haha I was just frustrated and I don't know anyone personally but I don't have face book for a reason , like I said nothing personal I have actually enjoyed some of your trips and that music video type thing you had on your profile classic , would it be better if I called everyone metapostal women . Wink joking don't take any offence just fish and have fun like I said

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:11 pm

I'm not offended. I've fished with Kman. I'm immune now. LOL.

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:11 pm

if people want to read the trips. read the trips and thats it hahahaha...

dont go clicking around on posts that may or may not have "drama" broski. hahaha YOU choose to read the posts brotha. just sayinnnnnn hahahaha people amaze me!



Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:13 pm

This is getting taken out of context how do I delete this

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:15 pm


I'm not offended. I've fished with Kman. I'm immune now. LOL.

I am the most easy going chill person on this site.

Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:15 pm

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