is the question whether we support BPS or Cabelas? or if we should get tackle from our friends on the site that don't sell their goods commercially?<----more a commentary on the support of our friends here on the site versus spending money in BIG BOX STORES....I know a bunch of guys here make baits
BPS and Cabela's send me exactly the same coupons throughout the year, and are very comparable in prices when I buy stuff. I go to both equally, I suppose.<------would you say you're spending in small shops as equally?
As far as the Beaver Fever baits...if they are for sale, I think a lot of people would support them...but since they aren't promoting them, makes me think they don't have time or interest to mass produce them.
<-------I hope they DO take a serious leap of faith...fear is spiritual paralysis ....being a musician makes me an inherent shameless self promoter that bothers some people I've come not to let people rent space in my head about it...occasionally I focus my juice outward to help out someone who'd NEVER ask for help but,who deserves it...