Well...he's already got the topper...so I was merely suggesting how "The Sinista Mobile" MIGHT be turned into a nice "house-boat" so he never has to leave the water hahahahahaha...for a house warming gift? about 6 cases of that waterproofing s*** Jay mentioned and he should be good n safe for AWHILE ! ...we shouldn't even joke about this...the next thing ya know..we're cruisin by a lake on the highway and there'll be our buddy Niel camped out on his boat in the middle...he's LOONEY for fishing ya know ! ...and he can use the hot plate and sell burgers to the rest of the MAFFERS for $$$...although the new digs might ELIMINATE his rent hahahaha


dave i think building a car topper is an awsome idea. but im stumped from the start what would you for matereals gota be light weight1 or 2 personand how about a plexyglass bottom

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:46 pm

I don't really do resolutions...that means you have to change! haha

I like to set goals...last year my goal was to catch at least 1 fish every month. After starting a new job in late october, my fishing time was cut down a bunch, but I did manage to eke out a pickerel in each of the last two months, so I got it done!

I suppose this year will be a good year to put in some time with new rigs - drop shot, carolina rig and regular jig fishing.

I didn't catch a 5 pounder this year, but I think putting a number on something like that leads to disappointment, so I'll just say I want to try some new techniques and catch some big fish!!

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:51 pm

He COULD eliminate his electronics this way...he wouldn't need 'em as long as he fished clearer waters he COULD just look through the bottom of his his new plexiglass deck and drop lines right on target each time hahahahaaa
---can you imagine if we ACTUALLY put our minds together for good instead of evil? hahahahahahaa


ya and on the realy nice days we can open the storm window for a nice breeze

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:53 pm

[quote="riverrat82"]Ok..since some of you have shown an interest in the thread as promised I'll share some of mine...1st...fish more in 2012...2ndly I have a new toy( a nice bait caster ) that I figured out pretty quickly...but I bought it late in the Autumn so I haven't hit "Good-Water" with it yet...BRING ON SPRING ...next, as I stated in my msg to Shawn here...More Quabbin! EVERY SINGLE CHANCE I GET...

Posted Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:27 am

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