Message to all fisherman:
We have been receiving complaints from property owners at various
locations about fisherman leaving hooks caught on docks. Some have
resulted in injuries to people and pets. Please, if you get a hook or lure
caught on a dock, boat, or anywhere else take the time to remove it.
It’s the responsible thing to do.
Please help us spread the word to all sportsman.


Posted Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:36 am

Once again it seems common sense is not so common. Thanks Johnny

Posted Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:39 am


Once again it seems common sense is not so common. Thanks Johnny

[b]The Question this "6th" sense we're ALL always referring to in conversation ACTUALLY "common sense"?...I think about that ALOT...and since I'm 'off' here anyways...I guess the REAL question IS..."What's YOUR sixth-sense"? is it common? it the ability to sniff out a good deal on massage chair?....any thoughts guys?...

t' get back on track here...a cop shot a lady in the woods with a muzzle-loader ...kinda puts a bass hook in your toe in be a warning about buck-shot in the side of your melon[/b]

Posted Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:22 am

runnin around in the woods during hunting season's not a bright idea. If I hook someones dock and i'm dumb enough to break off as opposed to just cruising over there to unhook it then I'm certainly going to take my hook with me. I already feel like an intruder when I fish docks.

Posted Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:50 am


runnin around in the woods during hunting season's not a bright idea. If I hook someones dock and i'm dumb enough to break off as opposed to just cruising over there to unhook it then I'm certainly going to take my hook with me. I already feel like an intruder when I fish docks.

I don't think we would like it if someone threw s*** at our boats or snapped a rig off on our boat. I like to fish docks but I'm very courteous and ask permission if the owner is near by or do absolutely everything i can to retrieve a lure. I may even just choose to stay away especially if im with a friend that gets hung in trees never mind someones property

Posted Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:37 am

fishing with a buddy, he hooked a dock and panicked. He immediatly cut his line as he was afraid the dock owner would be pissed. As I trolled him over to the dock, I said "I think he'd be more pissed when his kid gets that hook in the foot!"

If you hook a dock, GET IT OUT!

Posted Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:27 pm

I've seen plenty of lures and hooks alike stuck in the posts of many'a docks before. It's stuff like this that is making a lot of access to many ponds and lakes impossible now. Due to residents and the towns making them completely private. Sometimes its the big things like littering/partying/fires/illegal fishing that gets places the ole "off-limits/posted" signs, but most of the time its the little things everyone can prevent like this that do us recreational guys in.

Posted Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:32 pm

I dont really understand why someone would just leave it there. If not for respecting someone's property and safety then why not get it back so you don't lose a lure?

Posted Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:33 pm

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