I'm new to this board, old to boards, retired, etc. etc. I grew up in NY, fishing the upstate lakes and the LI shores so I was and still am a Garcia Mitchell guy. I've been out of fishing for some years but now am getting back into it. It's called retirement.
Also, I'm an old book, old tools, old stuff guy, old rods, old reels, old furniture, etc. Retired from libraries, counseling, carpentry, etc.
I have this thing about using old stuff so my rigs are always old. Conolon rods and Mitchell reels. One Shimano 10 spinning reel and one Zebco Omega Pro to try out on a Garcia Companion rod. You get the picture. For me, it's all just pure enjoyment. I don't compete, I just relax. Being on a fixed income, I relax even more now.
Looking forward to getting lines wet and sunburnt again.
Posted Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:17 pm