a hooks a hook. My MS Slammer has hooks that big. Actually my slammer is probably bigger than that

Posted Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:20 pm



Yea, but isn't this a SALTwater injury??

Dude, does it really matter? Shawn posted a pic and I posted another about this guy having a worse day. Do we really need to analyze whether it's salt or freshwater? It was a joke that Shawn got (and that was my target audience). Honestly, wow!

Haha guys just trolling I thought it was funny. Man that would def suck.

Posted Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:30 pm

"Dude", I wasn't analyzing anything but to keep with the joking! What lure is stuck across your ass?!

Guys, no more comments from me. I will continue to enjoy the info, pics, and jokes from afar. Please keep them coming.

Posted Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:55 pm

Relax. No need to segregate yourself. I didn't get it either and I'm usually looking for the joke. It did come off more as nitpicking than humor. No worries

Posted Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:31 am


"Dude", I wasn't analyzing anything but to keep with the joking! What lure is stuck across your ass?!

Guys, no more comments from me. I will continue to enjoy the info, pics, and jokes from afar. Please keep them coming.

So then answer the question....what is the difference if it is a salt water incident or freshwater? If you were keeping with the joking, why not say something along those lines? The point was that this guy may have been having a worse day than the hook in the thumb (although a painful and unpleasant experience) than Shawn was and meant in a joking way as not to be exactly analyzed and you chime in with simply, "Yeah but isn't this saltwater?"

You're new to the board and have questioned posts from 2 seniorish members that I know of so far. Myself here and another in PM about how his post was funny, but didn't belong where he posted it, even though everyone else has said in person or through pm's it was right where it belonged. He happens to be my fishing partner and shared it with me, which is probably why your comment came across like it did. Nobody died over it and the world will go on, but it sounded kinda stand offish in a way.

Really man, for a newbie on the board or under this name and for what it's worth, I'd say in my opinion to just be careful what you say, because it can easily be misconstrued. We are all free to post whatever we want and I welcome your comments, but when you question stuff, you're gonna get it right back at ya and it may not be really warranted, but that's how it came across and was dealt with! Welcome to the board nonetheless, for real!

Posted Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:39 am

"arguing on the Internet is like running in the special Olympics, even if you win you are still retarded"

Posted Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:13 pm

It is, but sometimes you just gotta ask why?

The olive branch has been extended.

Posted Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:25 pm

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