Quabin Res allows small gass and human powered...

Posted Wed May 01, 2013 8:58 pm

An old ex girlfriend of mine got giardia from brookfield water years ago and it fucked her stomach up somethin fierce. As for no.boats I think its just so they have some sense of control over the water. It is true that ech ndividual city is responsible for the quality of their own drinking water but imagine how trashed that place would get if there were boats out everyday? I would go ahead and say 1 out of 10 boaters is a responsible law obiding citizen that cares about the body of water and its wildlife population while the rest are just the typical rape and pillage type with the " leave it someone else will clean it up " attitude.

Posted Wed May 01, 2013 9:05 pm

I hate to say it but I believe your right. It's been about 25 years since I was at Quabin but I remember coming back to the dock and noticing dozens of empty beer bottles and cans on the bottom. I said to my girlfriend at the time, who would do this.
When I arrived at the dock the warden helped us out of the boat and our bag of empty bottles spilled all over the boat.
I received a ticket to go to court for drinking on public land. (they were very strict and I'm sure still are)

Luckily a friend of mines father new a judge in the town the ticket was written and fixed it.

My last trip to the Q. I think I'm do.

I'll leave the bud's at home...

Posted Wed May 01, 2013 9:27 pm


I hate to say it but I believe your right. It's been about 25 years since I was at Quabin but I remember coming back to the dock and noticing dozens of empty beer bottles and cans on the bottom. I said to my girlfriend at the time, who would do this.
When I arrived at the dock the warden helped us out of the boat and our bag of empty bottles spilled all over the boat.
I received a ticket to go to court for drinking on public land. (they were very strict and I'm sure still are)

Luckily a friend of mines father new a judge in the town the ticket was written and fixed it.

My last trip to the Q. I think I'm do.

I'll leave the bud's at home...

lol but atleast you didnt dump the empties in the water. most people would have ditched em in the res just so they wouldnt get cought by an official

Posted Wed May 01, 2013 9:38 pm

That's why I'm sure all the empties were dumped in the water...

Posted Thu May 02, 2013 11:24 am

thats just sad that guys would throw cans in the Q or any other place.

There is a group of people who are relatives or remaining living members of the towns that were taken over and flooded to make the Q. They all get together once a year and take a piss in the Quabbin. lol

speaking of piss... I read an article showing that state testing has Walden pond as the highest urine concentrate body of water in the state.

Posted Thu May 02, 2013 12:38 pm

I think so. Walden pond is a swim pool from now on. Piss in the lake is a norm. Yea, sometime if you swim by you may feel a warm stream--You got it! LOL. As far as pissing while on the boat, I think most of the fisherman piss in the lake. Not a big deal.


thats just sad that guys would throw cans in the Q or any other place.

There is a group of people who are relatives or remaining living members of the towns that were taken over and flooded to make the Q. They all get together once a year and take a piss in the Quabbin. lol

speaking of piss... I read an article showing that state testing has Walden pond as the highest urine concentrate body of water in the state.

Posted Thu May 02, 2013 1:32 pm


I think so. Walden pond is a swim pool from now on. Piss in the lake is a norm. Yea, sometime if you swim by you may feel a warm stream--You got it! LOL. As far as pissing while on the boat, I think most of the fisherman piss in the lake. Not a big deal.


thats just sad that guys would throw cans in the Q or any other place.

There is a group of people who are relatives or remaining living members of the towns that were taken over and flooded to make the Q. They all get together once a year and take a piss in the Quabbin. lol

speaking of piss... I read an article showing that state testing has Walden pond as the highest urine concentrate body of water in the state.

I'm surprised because of the fact Walden is so deep, close to 100'.
They must not have checked Houghtons Pond in Blue Hills...

Posted Thu May 02, 2013 1:47 pm


I think so. Walden pond is a swim pool from now on. Piss in the lake is a norm. Yea, sometime if you swim by you may feel a warm stream--You got it! LOL. As far as pissing while on the boat, I think most of the fisherman piss in the lake. Not a big deal.

guilty. i'm always good for a limit of those.

Posted Thu May 02, 2013 2:22 pm

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