Great Job! Hope to get out middle of next week there.

Sorry to see your post got hijacked.

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:37 am

Actually, I think that this has been a quite civilized discussion about the pros and cons and possibilities.

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:53 am


Actually, I think that this has been a quite civilized discussion about the pros and cons and possibilities.

Who the F^*K are you calling civilized you so and so

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:03 am

Great catch!!!

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:44 am

Congratulations to your friend. That is the fish of a lifetime.

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:54 am

amazing fish man, in awwww of it. i start my vaction tomroow and i think im going to hit the quabbin every day dont care how much it cost me in boat rentals i need to break my 5lb larry and 4.2lb smallie. wicked pumped if anyone can point me in the right direction whould be cool

Posted Tue May 21, 2013 1:56 pm

Obviously an amazing fish. Congrats!
Sad to see it mounted esp with the other
options we have these days. Is live bait really
fishing though?

Posted Tue May 21, 2013 3:03 pm

is live bait fishing, We can get together if you like and see what you think then... It's real easy to speculate what You think You might do with that Fish if ever given the opportunity. your opinions don't bother me at all, we pay for our lincense. I posted this to Show everyone that they are out there and the Mark has been set. Lines tight boy's and thanks again Muskie

Posted Tue May 21, 2013 3:34 pm

U tell em Muskie ha ha love those who frown upon live bait use.Still have to find the fish cast to where she is hook the fish and land the fish so yeah guess I would call that fishing.Just because it is different doesn't make it wrong.I fish mostly with lures but at the Chu enjoy just tossing it out and relaxing and waiting while shooting the breeze with my friends nothing wrong with that.Lures are not much different many of them are just cast and retrieve slow fast twitch not that complicated.

Posted Tue May 21, 2013 3:41 pm


Obviously an amazing fish. Congrats!
Sad to see it mounted esp with the other
options we have these days. Is live bait really
fishing though?

thousands of years ago before the days of sigourney weaver there was a thing called fishing that involved netting small fish to use as bait for larger fish to take home to feed the family or village. before there was ever a thing called a lure there was live bait. it can be boring and for most species is not my cup of tea (notice i said most not all) but it is indeed fishing none the less. shitty example that ill probably take alot fo slack for but look at the show river monsters, how often does jeremy wade catch big monster fish on anything other than live or dead bait? the answer is almost never, sure he may be throwing out a living or dead thing and then sitting there for hours and letting his bait do the fishing for him but when the moment of truth arives he still has to set the hook and fight the fish to shore, correct? i would like to see any of us in here land any one of the crazy monsterous fish that guy has cought but people dont say that he is not fishing because hes using bait instead of artificial.. as for the sigourney weaver comment you wont get it if you dont watch aqua teen hunger force but i felt the timing for it was perfect so it had to be said

Posted Tue May 21, 2013 3:48 pm

A certified 9.9? Apparently the Weigh station hasn't submitted the fish to Ma. Wildlife.
A month later and still no evidence of this fish being caught in Ma
and registered with the State?

Biggest bass in Ma. officially certified as of 5-24-13 is a 8 lb 12 oz Next fish behind that is a 8lb 8 oz caught by a friend of mine. (Also documented with the State)

When it's showing up in the State records I'll believe it, not a minute before. Seen too many claims like these over the decades.

Posted Fri May 24, 2013 10:03 am

You don't have to believe anything!!!! They are always about a month or so behind with thier records. As far as you know, I am completly full of CRAP!!!

Welcome to the Website..........

Posted Fri May 24, 2013 10:13 am

You probably are full of crap bud! Smile

Funny story, not to further hijack this thread but ..yeah, here goes.

Met this guy over at the bend in the river once, some years ago now. Older guy who loved to talk about fishing. Had a couple of pins on his hat, nothing major.

starts telling me about this bullhead he caught once...turns out it was a state record.

Then he told me about a bass that ended up being a state record as well..

He caught a striper as well..and you guessed it..state record...

I said Pin fish?

He said no, record.

Then he talks about hunting as well. Shot a buck once..turns out it was a ..are you ready for this? World record..

By the end of the 2 or so hours was up the guy had over like 20 records...amazing..just...amazing...

Best part was his reaction when I banked a 12 pound carp..was the biggest fish he'd seen..I just kind of glazed over lol

Some people lol.

Posted Fri May 24, 2013 10:19 am

Still can't believe folks are bit#$*ng about this. If he's licensed, then it's his right to take the fish. END OF STORY.

Nice fish.

Posted Fri May 24, 2013 10:28 am

tbh i think hes full of carp

Posted Fri May 24, 2013 10:29 am

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