I am absolutely BS about this but as of right bow chasin tail is out im gonna be looking for one of my buddys with a boat to come with me. Something is screwed up with my title and they said it might take 2 weeks to fix it.

Posted Fri May 10, 2013 10:26 pm

How many spots are left now ???

Posted Sat May 11, 2013 8:54 am

11 spots left.

Posted Sat May 11, 2013 9:52 am

Thought we were up to 18 now theres only 14 so far what happened ???

Posted Sat May 11, 2013 2:06 pm

Ok guys officially time to post this open event up elsewhere we will fill it so guys at the end of the year have a nice pot to fish for free 10-11 spots left sorry I haven't been around been going thru a real tough time see you all Sunday god willing

Posted Sun May 12, 2013 9:49 am

Long range forcast has it sunny and 70* on Sunday.

Posted Mon May 13, 2013 7:51 am

What forecast in Maine?
That's where I'll be Cool

Posted Mon May 13, 2013 8:34 am

This probably goes w/o saying, but when your out fishing android see a couple guys in a topper, tell them about the site and tourneys. Especially with big events like this weekend. PROMOTE! PROMOTE! PROMOTE!

Posted Mon May 13, 2013 10:34 am

I say we get volunteers to hand out flyers at Bass Pro! Stratosss! Stratosss!

Posted Mon May 13, 2013 10:52 am

Workin on the wife to try and make it. I'll know by Thursday.

and my partner is as well.....right Dan!

Can I get stratos1966's (Rich) autograph? or maybe he can sign my boat with a sharpie? I heard he's a legend......

Posted Mon May 13, 2013 2:55 pm

We all know that the $100 price tag is a bargain, to get the chance to fish on the same body of water as Rich! That goes without saying. Very Happy

All kidding aside, maybe if you guys lowered the entry fee/price that would increase the attendance numbers? While the idea and thought behind the $100 tourneys (two scheduled) was to benefit MAFF members overall was made with sincerely good intentions, it's still a hefty price tag to freshwater fish for a day. Our members are very good and there have never been issues raising money for end of year events or any get togethers before WITHOUT having to hold $100 events. All the participating members will rally and the end of the season event will be a good time as always, regardless.

Just a thought and either way I can't make it so it effects me in no way, shape or form. I do know that I wouldn't pay that price though even if I were available, but that's just me (although I can't imagine I'm the only one thinking that?).

Good luck either way boys and I do hope this tourney fills up for you, whatever price the entry fee is!

Posted Mon May 13, 2013 3:39 pm


We all know that the $100 price tag is a bargain, to get the chance to fish on the same body of water as Rich! That goes without saying. Very Happy

All kidding aside, maybe if you guys lowered the entry fee/price that would increase the attendance numbers? While the idea and thought behind the $100 tourneys (two scheduled) was to benefit MAFF members overall was made with sincerely good intentions, it's still a hefty price tag to freshwater fish for a day. Our members are very good and there have never been issues raising money for end of year events or any get togethers before WITHOUT having to hold $100 events. All the participating members will rally and the end of the season event will be a good time as always, regardless.

Just a thought and either way I can't make it so it effects me in no way, shape or form. I do know that I wouldn't pay that price though even if I were available, but that's just me (although I can't imagine I'm the only one thinking that?).

Good luck either way boys and I do hope this tourney fills up for you, whatever price the entry fee is!

The entry fee was one of the reasons I cancelled, the other half was I would have been gone all day between the distance I would have to drive and the 3pm weigh in time. Not that I really care to much about the distance and weigh in time but my wife is flying back in saturday night and she would have most likely murdered me in my sleep if I made plans to go, and the last thing I would want to happen in be a no-show lol.

Posted Mon May 13, 2013 5:39 pm

JBIGUN is back IN. See you guys Sunday.

Posted Tue May 14, 2013 7:34 am


JBIGUN is back IN. See you guys Sunday.

We all know that the $100 price tag is a bargain, to get the chance to fish on the same body of water as Rich! That goes without saying.

Roger pretty much summed it up right there.... Laughing

Posted Tue May 14, 2013 10:52 am

Ok Big Bird...

Posted Tue May 14, 2013 12:27 pm

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