this guy caught a 12 lbs 4 oz smallie in canada AND ATE THE FISH!!!!!!!!

he caught the world record and cooked the fish!!!!!!

what an ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 9:21 pm

That's pretty sickening. I guess you can't really fault the guy because it was his catch, but it's also a big fat slap in the face to the fishing community. You know more people will read that then any other story about a record fish properly handled, weighed and certified, and that just make all fishermen look like they're on the lake out for food and not sport. Cryin' shame.

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 9:28 pm

im sad

i cant believe this!!!!!!!!! id slap the s*** outa him!!!!

if i didnt think it was a record, i wouldnt eat it. id weigh it and then find out it was a record!!!!

from there i wouldnt know what to do!!!! keep it and get it as record! or release it with pictures and scale. and get a replica

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 9:41 pm

To be honest I would rather the guy eat it. Sure sure, I'd rather it be released..but not everyone is catch and release.

I mean what would be the point in killing a fish for a record..or like the guy said to get it to a taxidermist?

Fishing, at its core is about the hunt for food. I think it far more disrespectful to kill a fish for no reason other then ego.

End of the day you buy a license and do what you do, within the laws. Now the guy just has a story to go with his meal.

I mean if you think about it the world record large mouth bass for how long was only even recognized because someone told the guy he should enter the 20lb fish in a local contest..otherwise it would have been eaten as well.

That is the nature of the sport. Not everyone will follow what you believe to be important. As long as people learn to respect the natural world and limit what they take then there is no problem.

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 9:55 pm

analyzing the picture and his fingers around the girth...the way he's pushing towards the camera, that fish looks way 12.

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 9:55 pm


analyzing the picture and his fingers around the girth...the way he's pushing towards the camera, that fish looks way 12.

The picture used for the article may not be the actual bass..considering he cut it up to eat prior to the idea it may well have been a record.

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 9:58 pm

it wasnt a record anyways cause it wasnt actually weighed . it states that "He claims it weighs an estimated 12 pounds, four ounces" that was taken directly from the artical. so as you see estimating dosent mean s*** especially in a sport where everyone "estimates" ... same thing happened with the "new" world record snakehead lol the guy smashed the old world record, had pics and weighed it and everything but he gave it to his friend (who happened to like snakehead) and he ate it before it could be officially weighed so while it was a new record its not official, actually the same thing happened with the new world record muskie lol the guys cought it i cant remember exactly where off the top of my head but they have plenty of pictures of them holding it as well as pictures on a scale and length and girth measurements and then they let it go cause they didnt want to kill the fish just to certify a record, they did however have a reproduction made from the measurements as well as the pictures and it is most definately a GIGANTIC muskie and most definately counts as a new world record even among muskie anglers from all over its just not an official igfa record cause they couldnt produce the "body" stuff like that happens all the time

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 10:02 pm

Picture is definitely faked until I seen article said that it was other picture to used for this article. that fish is probably between 3-5 for sure. no way hell it was 12. If it was 12 pounds, it is probably pushing 24-26 inch smallmouth.

But good for him.

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 10:34 pm

PLUS< i lost the article that someone claims that he caught 30 pounds largemouth but ate it. I think it was either New Mexico or Texas. Unsure now.

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 10:35 pm

Wait it says he caught 30lbs largemouth!!!!

Yea now you guys said something it can't be a world record.....

The world record is twice the size of it. The belly on the world record is huge.

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 10:54 pm

he have photo to proven but he caught it for dinner plate and never bother to find out if it was world record. He only feed whole bass for family of 8. at least, i was remember. He proved with measurement, it was exactly 30 inch long. That's only thing i could remember, when i find it, i'll post it on here.

Posted Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:27 am

Are you saying the same guy claims to have caught the world record LM AND SM??? I smell Shenanigans!!

Posted Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:47 am


Are you saying the same guy claims to have caught the world record LM AND SM??? I smell Shenanigans!!

Total BS!

"I'm gona pistol whip the next person who says shenanigan.
Hey farva whats the name of the restaurant you like with all the s*** on the wall.
Oh you mean shenanigans!" Laughing

Posted Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:25 am

Nope, it wasn't same guy! lol

Posted Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:47 pm

22 inches long and weighed over 12 lbs?

lol... a fish that long would need to have over a 30 inch girth
and would not be able to swim due to not having a hydrodynamic
body to move within a river system.

Totally an impossibility. More then likely a 6 lb fish.

Posted Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:53 am

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