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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

Personal best and 3rd 6lber of the year!!! Comments

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User: smokecity
Comment: Haha the trap door in the stratos has taking a few knees and ankles .Bobby we will hit something up soon
Date: 09/19/14 08:08 AM

User: biggz53
Comment: Smoke you gotta warn people of that trap door too!! I thought I was going to the bottom of the lake. Unreal year for you, let's get out again soon.
Date: 09/18/14 11:19 PM

User: smokecity
Comment: Yes I did fix that hole and also recommend to anyone with a leak in their boat marine tek is awesome stuff hasnt leaked since
Date: 09/18/14 06:00 PM

User: pocketfisherman
Comment: You fix that hole in your boat Smoke, LOL?
Date: 09/11/14 08:25 PM

User: smokecity
Comment: Thanks boys the fish gods have been good to me for larry,s.
Date: 09/11/14 07:11 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: I would take a 5! My biggest is 4.15 caught way back in April. Off yr bass wise for me.
Date: 09/09/14 08:52 PM

User: vguaetta
Comment: Great fish and a great season. Congrats brother.
Date: 09/09/14 09:32 AM

User: bassturds
Comment: lucky!!! i have yet to catch a 6 this season!

only 1 5lbser and 1 4

talk about a s***ty season!
Date: 09/08/14 10:09 AM

User: samf
Comment: i'ce caught a 6.4 pounder before but no 6s this year. multiple 5.12s which is annoying.
Date: 09/08/14 07:53 AM

User: smokecity
Comment: Thanks rich and clise sam wallum strikes again lol
Date: 09/07/14 05:27 PM

User: jamesd
Comment: Sam did you get your 6lber yet?
Date: 09/07/14 05:06 PM

User: samf
Comment: charles river strikes again?
Date: 09/07/14 05:04 PM

User: stratos1966
Comment: Congrats on the new PB and three 6's in a season so far!!
Date: 09/07/14 04:03 PM

View Personal best and 3rd 6lber of the year!!! Details
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