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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

First ice bass 2013 Comments

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User: bassturds
Comment: Nessy! Hahaha

I ran out of big shiners I don't think it ill hit a small shiner! Unless it wants a snack!
Plus I've been feeding it the past couple of days so I don't know if it's hungry
Date: 01/10/13 07:35 AM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: good luck! hope to see some pics of you posing with nessy :p
Date: 01/09/13 06:40 PM

User: bassturds
Comment: This is the first time I've used circles for ice fishing. I've used them in saltwater!
I've always used octopus hooks on tip ups! But I didn't have any so I was usin the circles I had.

I didn't even think about the possibility of me setting the hook to Hard and pulling it out of the fished mouth.

Pictures and a trip TONIGHT!! STAY TUNED!!!!!!
Date: 01/09/13 01:47 PM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: secondly, there is might problem on your hook depend on where you buried hook on shiner. On behind the top fin or on the eye or on the shiner's mouth.

I am personally preferred to put back of shiner's top fin. But some area that bass are sensitive to bite shiner. so they will always bite their head first. therefore, you have to put hook on shiner's mouth.

hope its helps.
Date: 01/09/13 12:04 PM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: yeah if ur usin circle hooks dont try to set it , let the fish run a bit with the line in your hand and just gradually tighten up your grip almost like the drag on a reel until the fish cant run nomore and he should get hooked corner of the mouth but if you try to set it you will just pull the hook right out . they are semi self setting . try using a quick strike rig if u wanna set the hook right away. good luck
Date: 01/09/13 12:03 PM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: dude, you gotta run to get flag-up. but if you see line being run. let it go but have your line on your hand. if it stop, pull it.

but you just said you use circle hooks. that's why it are easily pulled out. You cannot pull it. you need to let it run then hold on the line hard. (don't pull line yet) until you feel screamer line on your hand. that's how you know that it is definitely hooked.
Date: 01/09/13 12:00 PM

User: bassturds
Comment: Yea I gota hold back the excitement!
When I hook the monster again today! Ill keep cool and let it run!
I'm gona be so pissed if i miss it again!
Date: 01/09/13 10:24 AM

User: stratos1966
Comment: I hardly ever ice fish, but from everything I have been told by those that do, you let them have the bait for a little bit. Never run over to a newly popped flag and grab it right away.
Date: 01/09/13 09:18 AM

User: bassturds
Comment: I'm feeding them.
I was using big shiners. So I'm thinking the bait wasn't all the way in its mouth. Today WHEN the fish hits again I'm gona let it run. Swallow the bait then set the hook.
I'm also using circle hooks
Date: 01/09/13 09:02 AM

User: don51
Comment: I think that fish is playing you! lol
Date: 01/09/13 07:29 AM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: haha, sound like one of several days that I had at couple of years ago.

But don't give up! btw, I caught giant eels and tons of average catfishes on ice when i was younger. They will smack dead shiner above bottom.

I had my giant eel that smacked an foot away from top of ice. while it is like 20 feet deep water. (I have picture at somewhere, gotta find it) it was 10-12 pounds! 5-6 feet long American eel.
Date: 01/08/13 09:05 PM

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