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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

Merrimack River 11/17/13 Comments

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User: sinista
Comment: Im down for punching some ice!
Date: 11/18/12 09:30 PM

User: shawneramone
Comment: Oh ya bassman I am always down for smallie fishing
Date: 11/18/12 03:05 PM

User: wnbassman
Comment: Good Gosh, we've been had! I remember one of my first posts was about the Mighty Merrimac and received some negative feedback about my claims. Good for you Shawn. This fishery has been undervalued for some time. If you ever want to hit up some big time smallie fishing, send me a message. My top five fishing days this year were for smallies on the Merrimack.
Date: 11/18/12 05:42 AM

User: samf
Comment: i've only caught 1 pike ever up in NH and it was a dink.
Date: 11/17/12 11:21 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: That could be cheaper than Bait, and smell the same.. Sorry hahahaha
Date: 11/17/12 10:06 PM

User: pocketfisherman
Comment: I like fishing for strippers too, using $1 bills! But in the Summertime I also like fishing for stripers and blues!

Date: 11/17/12 10:03 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: I'll set there tilts... we be set up in 13 mins tops... They can cook and complain hahahahahah
Date: 11/17/12 09:27 PM

User: jwall046
Comment: Deal!
Ill even drill their holes for em..
Date: 11/17/12 09:24 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Hey Jwall, I got it. Shawn and Neil against You and Me...Pike fishing thru the ICE. We can work on the rules so THEY can use their God Given Tallents hahahahahahha
Date: 11/17/12 09:19 PM

User: jwall046
Comment: Nice catch!
How big?
oh let me guess you don't carry a ruler.haha
those are fun pulling thru ice bare handed!
Date: 11/17/12 09:13 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: We fish the Merrimack for Strippers in the Spring/Summer in Newburyport. Big Fish in that River!!!
Date: 11/17/12 08:21 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: ahhh sorry about that. Don't have any led spoons. My Bad
Date: 11/17/12 07:23 PM

User: shawneramone
Comment: spoons are on the lead ban?
Date: 11/17/12 07:20 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Get a Spoon with a buck tail Have Jwall make some, nows the time for them before first ICE..
Date: 11/17/12 07:11 PM

User: shawneramone
Comment: Ya, that's a good name.
Date: 11/17/12 07:09 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Latin ESSOX LUCIOUS
Water Wolf The name says it all
Date: 11/17/12 07:07 PM

User: shawneramone
Comment: It was awesome!!! What's ESSOX?
Date: 11/17/12 07:06 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Great Fish ESSOX Baby How did that fight?
Date: 11/17/12 07:05 PM

View Merrimack River 11/17/13 Details
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