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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

Mill Pond (wareham) Comments

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User: ranger85
Comment: I thought the state record was caught at Samson's pond in carver
Date: 02/16/13 11:30 AM

User: basshunter93
Comment: the state record didnt come from mill but it came from a surrounding pond that runs into it
Date: 02/16/13 11:26 AM

User: angler21
Comment: Hahaha- Thanks for following the rules Shawn...including Rule #1!

The most important aspect of the fishing in these tournaments aside from posting to get in is to catch keeper bass!
Date: 08/08/12 06:17 PM

User: shawneramone
Comment: Always remember rule #1 is Jeff's #1
Date: 08/08/12 01:05 PM

User: stratos1966
Comment: AS long as you have a livewell with a pump capable of keeping 5 fish alive....you can enter. On the Sunday before the person running the tourney ( sinista in this case) will post up a sign up thread. Be one of the 1st 12-15 to sign up , depending on how big he makes it, and you are in. Don't sign up unless you know you will be making it as it takes away a spot for someone else. The other "rules" are on the maff hompage on the right side.
Date: 08/08/12 12:42 PM

User: tnazty
Comment: Whats the rules and regs for the upcming tourney canoes aloud?
Date: 08/08/12 12:33 PM

User: stratos1966
Comment: There are no fish here. Try someplace else
Date: 05/14/12 08:32 PM

User: muffinman
Comment: I fish this area several times a year. It can produce some nice fish but man you have to cut thru the weeds. It is very weedy. Did I mention it was weedy? Last year my son hooked onto a slime dart too big to fit into the net, no kidding
Date: 05/14/12 08:27 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: 80% of the Biggest Bass in Mass are caught thru the Ice on BIG Shinners, It's a remarkable fact. We have a hard enough time when it's HOT to get the BIG one's to bite. hahahaha
Date: 05/14/12 07:55 PM

User: angler21
Comment: Your absolutely right Neil! I also heard the guy that caught it raked out an area in the pond that was known to hold big fish so he would have an opening when the pond froze. Then he set up a couple 8 inch shiners and the rest is history!
Date: 05/14/12 07:13 PM

User: sinista
Comment: Well it was caught in 1972...through the Ice. Alot of guys dont know that
Date: 05/14/12 06:28 PM

User: johnnywad
Comment: No one seems to talk about this pond and the possibillity that the state record Lm came from here

Date: 05/13/12 09:22 PM

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