This guy seems like a Stubborn Angler, and you probably won't get any further with him so I would get the Fish and Game Warden in Plymouth involved and have them out there checking permits. Not sure who it is there but
I know you can call the Environmental Police at 1-800-632-8075
and they would most likely do something.
They are usually quick on the draw to.


Just talked to the individual running the tournement he told me he doesn't need a permit and will see me on Sunday. .REALLY! !! Funny thing is it appears that he works for the Plymouth highway department!

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 12:46 pm


This guy seems like a Stubborn Angler, and you probably won't get any further with him so I would get the Fish and Game Warden in Plymouth involved and have them out there checking permits. Not sure who it is there but
I know you can call the Environmental Police at 1-800-632-8075
and they would most likely do something.
They are usually quick on the draw to.


Just talked to the individual running the tournement he told me he doesn't need a permit and will see me on Sunday. .REALLY! !! Funny thing is it appears that he works for the Plymouth highway department!


Posted Fri May 03, 2013 1:19 pm


Just talked to the individual running the tournement he told me he doesn't need a permit and will see me on Sunday. .REALLY! !! Funny thing is it appears that he works for the Plymouth highway department!

What does the town say? I would request whoever is in charge of permitting contact this individual or show up at the ramp at 6am demanding a permit.

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 1:46 pm

town ramp epo will not help

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 1:54 pm

Yes, but...enforcement is a sticky wicket. Every one of those guys individually has a right to be at that launch site outside of the tournament. You can't just tell a guy with a boat that he can't fish. I think the most they could do would be to fine the organizers if they see weigh-in going on. Not sure how you can enforce that. Does the permit guarantee you parking spaces or anything that would give you a leg up?

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 1:55 pm

BUMPER BOATS BABY!!! Gotta love the MA puddles!!! Laughing

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 2:20 pm

The Seaside Club does the same tourney every year and will continue to do so.There is no stopping it.We had a permit for c.c.bass and there were two other non permit clubs there also.One was the seaside and another club.Talk about back up at the ramp.EPO doesn't get involved here and no one from the town will dishonor this memorial tournament.No matter who you call they all know these guys.It only happens once a year and you just happened to get the same day as them.They are off the water early so weigh in will be no problem.The launch may be a problem and hold you up for a late take off depending on how many boats they have.They are a good group so I don't think you'll have any problems.

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 3:27 pm

First off THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP GUYS! with in 2 hours of posting my problem I had the phone number of the contact for the unpermited Tournement.Here is were I stand. The town requires permits but has no action plan to stop any non permited event.The Park and Rec dept. handed it to the harbormaster who althought very helpful had know Idea as to what he could do. He told me he could not stop them,I expressed that at least give me the immediate parking at the ramp for my group .He agreed and we got the other club to half heartedly agree. So the harbormaster is going to meet the other group in the morning to insure that they do not park at the ramp.Let see!!! This has happened to my club in the past, i followed up with the town and was told that it would not happen again they would create an action plan to stop illegal T's,ya right! Funny when I talked to Patty at the town she kept telling me this has never happened BS I had the follow up converstaion with her and her boss Ted several years ago.My suggestion to anyone holding a permit for billington this year to call Patty Santos and ask her what to do if another group shows up to pond jump you!This needsto stop! the town states you need a permit but apparently doesn't inforce it.Wish me the best and thanks again guys for all the help. Jim Coleman VP Happy Hookers Bass Club.

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 7:09 pm

So what happened ? Hope it went well for you, and your club.By the way, did you have to pay anything for the permit ? If you did I would look into getting the money back.

Posted Sun May 05, 2013 5:47 pm

The event went well a harbor master staff member came down to supervise the parking in the morning. ..thus both groups remained friendly. The permit is free! Everyone should try it some time! Harbor master claims he is going to get this permit no permit situation figured out. Winning weight 13.75. These guys were a rag tag group not a real fishing club. There were 15 boats but all types many without livewells of any type. I saw fish tied to boats on rope I saw removable floating cages...I asked a group ehat do you do tell the fish to hold their breath when you move from spot to spot! Waste of resources!

Posted Mon May 06, 2013 4:32 am

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