I was fishing at Lake Sabbatla in the back side of the lake on the bridge, and I notice some thing floating in the water . It was an Eel!! and not just 1 I counted over 12 dead Eel's floating {gray with white belly} on the shore???? OK Then I also saw a doz. more little fish that look bigger than larger than shiners you would buy at a bait store floating with the Eel????
1. Maybe a local bait store dumping there dead bait's in the water??
2. Poison ?? The town did spray the area for mosquito a couple
of weeks ago an last night rain raise the water level in the area???
I would see fish when looking down from the bridge I did not see any fish at all!! " WEIRD" ???

Posted Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:28 am

Chances are it is due to the hot summer with little rain. many waterways have had a problem with low dissolved oxygen levels leading to less hardy fish dying. Please keep your eye on it if possible and if you notice a significant amount or continued death contact the Masswildlife offices and they will send out biologists to check, which is what I sadly had to do at the Blackstone this year. We had a major fish kill, with roughly 3000 fish dead by wildlife's count, due to low dissolved oxygen levels Sad

Chances are if it is due to that the recent rains and cooler weather will help put the waterway back on track. It is also possible that the fish could have gotten separated from the main body of water recently in a smaller pool, cut off from the main body due to low water and died. The with the recent raise in water levels been floated back into the main body.

This is just my thoughts. It always sucks to have this sort of thing happen, but sometimes nature can be mean. Sadly the fish kill on the Blackstone was due to human error, hopefully this one is not. If your still concerned by all means contact the Mass wildlife offices. they are easy to deal with and it is always better to be safe then contaminated Sad

Masswildlife Contact Info

Posted Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:41 am

I agree with blackstone,give the DFG a heads up anyways

Posted Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:18 am

Will the Eel's and fish were all on the main water body, And as I was fishing a woman came up taking pic of the white crane birds for nature photo's and we stared talking an I show her the Eel's an was in Alw and took pic's of every thing , She just happens to be sending pic's to a newspaper company and said that she will email the pic's to the Masswildlife office, So I hope she does it

Posted Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:50 am

yeah, might be due to low oxygen levels lately with all the hot weather... I noticed that Sabbatia was realllllly low the last time I drove past there. It looked awful. (it's probably more full now with the recent storms)

The weeds at Massasoit park are going brown in the shallows - and dying weeds will suck oxygen from the water, just the opposite of healthy weeds putting out oxygen in the water.

Then again, someone could've dumped out a bait bucket too... which I think is illegal, but I could be wrong.

Posted Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:36 pm

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