so i got a few takers on the popper the other night after work which shocked me cause its still pertty cold and the water was real choppy from all the wind but i didnt manage to hook any due to their shitty aim and probably the wind blown surface water had alot to do with it but i gotta say now as of 1:00 am after work lastnight i offically landed my first topwater bite of the year

same conditions as before ,very windy and choppy surface surprised me that the fish could even home in on it but he did. unfortunately the bass that bit wasnt much bigger than the popper he tryed to eat lol. none the less a good laugh was had as i saw the tiny barely visible topwater explosion created by all .5 lbs of him lol. this season just gets better by the day! hard to believe that just last month i couldnt buy a bite ,now i gotta push em away from my baits with a shovel i just gotta start weeding out all the dinks and start hooking into some fish that are bigger than my hand haha