what about the world record smallie. 11lbser caught at dale hollow lake in tennesse.

imagine catching a monster close to that size.
i wouldnt doubt lake erie or st. claire have a world record. with the booming goby population.

i do believe that the goby is one of the few invasive species that improves an ecosystem.
lets live line one. or put some in lakes around here. lets grow some bigger smallie in MA

Posted Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:12 am


There are plenty of big smallmouth in Wachusett res. I have caught close to 100 of them in 20-21.5 inch this year. (total about 300 smallmouth caught/released at Wachusett res this year). The weight is not close to what great lake area or Canada region has. The heaviest one I caught this year was a 21 inch, 4 pound 9 ounce. I know someone caught a 22.5 inch weighted only a little over 5 pound. The length is there but not the weight. They are healthy looking but not super fat. I don't know why Wachusett smallies are kind of one pound less compare to great lake or Canada region with the same body length.

I love fishin the Res, I've caught a number of 5+ lb. smallies I have one on the wall that went 5 and 6ozs and is only 19". The 6lb 8oz is 21" I think the fish and game screw around with the smelt pop. there. The large trout and salmon are probably getting the best of the baitfish. Big trout in April/May.

Posted Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:54 pm

willy we will have to hook up this year I lived in clinton the last few years.I fish up there all the time too

Posted Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:26 pm

I let this fish go my scale was up at the car defiantly over 5

Posted Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:28 pm

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