What do you guys recommend for waders? I'm a shore angler trying to increase my range. I'm interested in something breathable with boot feet (not stocking) and preferably chest high. What do you use?

Posted Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:34 am

invest some money dont buy the cheap ones at natick outdoor
i did the mistake and 4 th time wearing them i pulled them up and they ripped across the waistline

cant remember the brand

Posted Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:24 am

keep your eyes on the Hodgman website in the clearance section. They'll have $100+ waders on clearance for $40 or so regularly. Nice variety.

Posted Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:51 am

im with you on your interest in waders. if you have to fish from shore then the waders certainly open up some range and make certain areas possible to work thru that would normally be unfishable from shore. the guys i talk to who use them all say they are thrilled with them. no regrets. i do think waders are one of those things that if you plan to purchase them you dont wanna go cheap....especially if you plan on using them in early spring/fall when the water is cold.

i was talking to guy fred who is a member here that i sometimes run into while fishing the mystics. he purchased the ll bean waders and i think he said the waders themselves were 200 and another 100 for the boots. Certainly not cheap but not over the top expensive either. he loves them and has told me i should invest in a pair....thinks i will not regret it. One thing he told me though is that you are better off to get the waders with the stocking cut and then buy a nice pair of wading boots seperate. he doesnt recommend buying the waders with the boot. just his opinion but it makes sense that by getting them seperately you might be able to get better quality. also, neoprene is a must for cold water. let me know how you make out if you make the purchase. take care

Posted Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:51 pm

I do a lot of flyfishing in rivers and waders are necessary for that. I agree that sales come up that make them much more affordable (LL Bean has their base model on sale for $95 now and that comes with a lifetime warranty). Personally, stocking foot waders are the better option. Wading boots that fit properly offer much better support and are more comfortable IMHO. For me, breathable waders are a much better option than neoprene. Neoprene in warm weather is uncomfortably hot for me. Yes, it is better in cold weather, but, breathables have a looser fit that enables a pair of fleece or sweats to be worn underneath. Plenty warm with that layer.

ALWAYS WEAR A WADING BELT FOR SAFETY! If...no...when you fall lol it will keep the waders from filling.

It comes down to a personal preference like everything else. But, if I had to choose, I would opt for the breathables.


Posted Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:11 pm

charliep- thanks for your take on the breathables vs neoprene. your experiences with waders gives more weight to your opinion since i have never used waders myself and i didnt think/realize of the repercussions of wearing neoprene in warm weather. I suppose that since the majority of time spent fishing around here is in more temperate weather then the breathables probably do make more sense now that i think about it. i guess i never considered the issue of getting hot in the neoprene when wearing them in the warmer part of the season. thanks for the input. interesting to hear that you concur with the stocking cut waders over boot waders....ive heard that from several people who wear waders. good point to note on wearing a belt for safety reasons.....especially in the case of beginners who are not use to wading the shoreline.

Posted Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:33 pm

mafisherman - believe me, i learned that the hard way. i had just bought a brand new pair of neoprenes from orvis and a brand new pair of wading boots to match. i got a fantastic deal...why?....because the breathables just came out. i was fishing with my buddues in maine in late may and there was an unseasonably warm day. we had a little over a mile hike to our fishing spot and ally of my buddies laughed the entire hike in....i was the only one without breathables lol.

one other thing to consider if purchasing stocking foot waders is to pay attention to what material the stocking is made of. i just replaced my waders last year, but the new waders have neoprene stocking feet which are wider than the material used on my previous waders. yup...new wading boots were necessary.


Posted Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:35 pm

i have bought neoprene waders that have failed i then tried a light breathable pair with attached boots which i couldn't move in , i now have a pair of socking foot breathable field&stream from dicks that i think are great


Posted Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:38 pm

I used to wear stocking foot ones almost exclusively. but I felt limited in my movment/stance and ended up going with just sandals and shorts LOL. I fish shallow slower moving rivers in the super heat of the summer.

Posted Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:06 pm

RedHead makes a great line of waders many selections many types.T' hell with waders anyways,you seen this other dude's post ---we're all goin' S C U B A gear man! lol

Posted Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:03 pm

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