So Today was the fist day I actually woke up before 5 am to go fishing this season. Worth it?...Ask my belly tonight after my nice lake trout dinner!!

2lb on a Blue fox minnow.
Started off getting to the water around 5:40 am and tossed the 4" spinner with noise and got nothing all morning. I got one hit from a smallie but I think the size of the spinner turned him off. Then after turning back and heading back towards the path i took in I was just calmly walking alone...note no top hits or jumps all morning.(not even out in the deeps) and as I take a puff on my smoke what sounded like a whale hit top. As I looked over I see this bulged come sliding out of the water just enough to get a sweet profile view and know hes worth the frying pan. So I know the Spinners not getting any action so I swap out for the Blue fox Silver in-line Spinner Minnow.
One cast...Nothing...two...then a now I'm thinking he moved on but I was determined. I tossed it out tree more times and all the while each cast is just barely making the spot I saw him rise at. On the fifth cast I gave it the well if he dont hit hes gone attitude and just as I though i was smoked....SLAM like a rock falling from a sky scrapper. I set hard and felt the Joy of knowing I wasn't skunked.
But Alas much to my confusion it was no LM nor was it a Smallie...But there it was My first Lake trout ever. I could barely believe my eye's.
As a Little back story I must say that I have only thought of trying for lakies within the last couple day's here after catching a few LM's and a couple Pickerel on the sudbury res the past couple of weeks. Last night I decided to go to Walmart and get some trout type lure and ended up with the 5 piece Blue Fox Inline Spinner Minnow set. Thank god I did otherwise I wouldn't have this beautiful Fish.
After getting home at around 10 I decided to gear up and Hit the sudbury res for a while. Got Nailed By the rain and Soaked to the bone...But it wasnt for not as I piked off a 7-8" LM (bahh wheres PaPa) then ended the day in the poring rain on a good 18" Pickerel with some good body to him. Side Story on him...real fast...he hit just as I was getting rdy to go but it literally cut my line(no leaders) before I could even try to setup on him. As mad as that made me I restrung the same gear at lighting speed and went for him again. Needless to say hi didnt get away this time.
I got photo's and will upload soon just dont have em in PC yet to do so.
Go Get Em Guy's They are out and Hungry!