.if you are squeamish or dont handle death well then this will upset you ,and while i mean no disrespect towards anyone this is meant to make you upset so that you can see the sick reality of animal cruelty that happens all around us and we may never know it if we dont look hard enough for it.i sit here typing about something that id rather not remember but its forever etched in my memory. i leave work at 11:30 pm tonight and stop by indian lake as usual to fish for a bit, i go to my spot and fish for a bit with no luck so i go to the other side of the street to try another spot and i see a bloody plastic market bag on the shore so i go curiously check it out and i see a fish tale sticking out the opening so now i grab the bag and look in it and see a hornpout covered in blood with its top jaw totally gone! to make matters worse the fish was still barely clinging to life!this was at 12:30 am at this point and god knows how long the poor thing was there for so i put it in the water and it tryed breathing but clearly had no chance of survival due to the ripped off upper jaw so i feel disgusted and sickened for what i had to do Sad i couldnt leave this poor fish suffering anymore so i had to bash its head with a rock. then i find another hornpout a few feet away but totally headless! this s*** is fucking disgusting and i hope the responsible parties die! i know who it was too ,it was the scumbag carp fishermen i reported to the city earlier today for littering the shore. they go down around 5 pm and start chumming for carp and im guessing they accidental cought a few hornpout and im suer theyve been stung before so they stepped on the fish and ripped the hook out to keep themselves safe from getting stung by the pectoral barbs.im speculating about that but it all fits together to me. so i called the mspca and left my name and phone number and a description of exactly what i saw and that i took a video and pictures on my phone ,i am expecting a call back in the morning or i will be calling again by noon. this post is not meant to be disrespectful it was meant to raise awareness about how cruel some so called "sport fishermen" can be.hornpout are not a legal bait fish and were not taken home to eat in favor of torturing then leaving on shore riving in pain.this is a disgusting travesty that should not have happened and i will be policing my lake more often for s*** like this and i urge all of you fellow members to keep an eye out for this kind of thing whenever you go out becuase cruelty like this CAN happen at your local spots and nothing will happen to stop it if it is not seen and reported. again sorry if this is upsetting to everyone but i feel this needs to get out there to show it does actually still happen

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:45 am

although there is a photo and a video of this poor fish struggling to live i chose not to post it on here as it is just too upsetting, i took them to show the mspca so they have an idea of what i saw when i went down to the lake shore and would not want to put everyone threw seeing them. i will keep you all posted once i hear from the mspca in the morning

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:48 am

I'm really sorry that you have to deal with this kind of crap from a bunch of ignorant scumbags.

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:34 am

Scumbags for sure! Please keep us posted! Very interested to hear how this turns out.

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:14 am

Just called mspca again and the office dosent open til 9. If I don't hear back by 10 I will be calling again and will let you alk know what is getting done to rectify the situation. Meanwhile I wish death upon the scum responsible. Never been so disgusted, sickened and angry in my life!

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:46 am

we call "these people" the bucket brigade, they come rape the local waters of anything and everything they catch and leave what ever they dont want to die on the shore. Im not going to get into demographics here but in my area its a specific nationality of people...almost said anglers, armed with surf casting rods big triangle sinkers and blue fish hooks, we have seen them at Oldham Pond during 2 of our events, fishing for what?? you guessed it Hornpout

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:41 am

we have a bucket brigade that sets up daily on the overpass over whitman's pond. i don't know exactly what they're fishing for. what i DO know is that if they catch something they don't want, they usually just kill it. this is under the misguided notion that by removing say, 1 perch from the water, the chances of catching their target fish increase. technically true, practically stupid.

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:57 am

This is why Wanton Waste laws came into being for hunting. It's indeed sad.

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:40 am

I see guys doing that at Houghtons Pond all the time they leave on the beach what ever they dont want Evil or Very Mad

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:52 am

if i witness stuff like this I fake call police and report a case of animal cruelty - i talk so loud at the phone that they hear i am on phone with EP and they pack up their tiny buckets and harpoons and make their way out - also what works is to ask for fishing licenses

most chicken out and wont be seen on that spot within the next days

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:24 am

its a shame these people didnt even bother to eat the fish they killed. Hornpout in my opinion are one of thee best freshwater fish to eat we have a pout fry every year, great tasting fish. I hate when people waste wildlife just because it wasnt their target fish.

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:16 pm

UPDATE: so i heard back from mspca who said that because it is a fish case that i was reporting that i have to call the environmental police so i got the number and called to plead my case the guy said as soon as he had an officer in my area they would contact me . i am now unfortunately at work for the night so i cant physically bring the epo to the spot but i can direct him over the phone its not hard to find.i also called back 2 hours later to see if anything was going to be done and the guy said he was still waiting on an officer in my area so i told him these scumbags are there almost every night and that if someone dosent get there to stop this soon more fish will be left on shore to suffer. i know what street these fucks live on and know their cars so im sure if i wanted i could pay a visit to the house, if i didnt have a family to take care of i would get my ass over there and start breaking legs.i will keep you guys posted on this and hopefully some progress gets made cause i will be calling these people all month long if thats what it takes. fucking outrage!

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:09 pm

Damn shame. Way to go on the leg work.

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:42 pm

UPDATE: so i called the environmental police today and was told that an officer would contact me once in my area,well hours go by and nothing so i ended up making 4 calls in total to them today and finally i got transfered to the epo on duty and was told "sorry we are short handed and a few guys are on vacation so im the only epo on duty in the whole county" so i says "good to know my tax dollars are being well spent" the reply i got was not an angry one like i expected but apparently i (maybe? hopefully?) got on his sympathies? he says ok exactly what part of the lake did i see this and when do the people i claim to be responsible fish the lake? so i tell him and he says he will send someone out tonight and tomorrow night to try and intercept the offenders for questioning and he then said they probably dont even have a fishing license so we will find something to get em on. gee thanks sir i appreciate it, im sorry if i was being a pest but im just sickened by what is happening here and feel that it wont stop until someone makes it stop and if the state wasnt going to stop it that i was going to take matters into my own hands. so the ball is rolling now im curious to see if anything will really actually happen to fix this awful deplorable behavior. meanwhile i will be trolling huntington ave looking for the cars that these lowlifes drive to figure out where they live and maybe a little shitzu i know might take a s*** all over their front door step on a daily basis. i will keep you all updated on whatever happens as it comes to light. thanks to everyone for all your concern on this situation ,this is the kind of stuff that if it were a human i found stuffed in a plastice bag on shore missing half of their face and left barely alive it would hit international news but because its "just a few fish" it seems as a shruggable offense... horrible...

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:48 pm

Brooksy maybe if more people took action and followed up and went the extra mile we could weed these scumbags out one at a time.And if you just save one fish that fish could go on to have 100's of off spring great work.Can't stand the bucketeers not only are many of them living off our taxes but ruining our lakes and killing our fish they live by no rules!

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:24 pm

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