Went out fishing this morning and a group of guys showed up soon after and proceeded to fish right next to me, even though there were tons of other spots all up and down the shore.

Just curious what you're thoughts are on fishing near other fisherman(to close for comfort), and/or bogarting spots (being there to long). Smile

Personally, I tend to move spots every half hour/hour max if I'm not hitting anything. As far as spots, I feel if you're already there, I figure it's yours until you move. First come first served, early bird catches the worm, etc...

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:28 pm


Went out fishing this morning and a group of guys showed up soon after and proceeded to fish right next to me, even though there were tons of other spots all up and down the shore.

Just curious what you're thoughts are on fishing near other fisherman(to close for comfort), and/or bogarting spots (being there to long). Smile

Personally, I tend to move spots every half hour/hour max if I'm not hitting anything. As far as spots, I feel if you're already there, I figure it's yours until you move. First come first served, early bird catches the worm, etc...

First come first serve there is no overstaying your welcome. I think it's alright to fish next to people if you are not impeding on what you were doing. It's hard to judge when casting and retrieving as I tend to wake up and down 20-25 yards and cast. I set my stuff up to span that distance and it usually deters people

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:34 pm

Yeah depends on the situation for me. If I'm camped with a couple of carp or trout lines than I don't want a few guys throwing shiners around me. But if they are setting up camp and are friendly then I guess I don't mind. If their really ignorant and not playing nice then I might tell them to beat it and if they get mouthy than I'll fire off a round or two to let them know I'm not f-ing around.... Kidding

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:11 pm


Yeah depends on the situation for me. If I'm camped with a couple of carp or trout lines than I don't want a few guys throwing shiners around me. But if they are setting up camp and are friendly then I guess I don't mind. If their really ignorant and not playing nice then I might tell them to beat it and if they get mouthy than I'll fire off a round or two to let them know I'm not f-ing around.... Kidding

that's funny

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:20 pm

there was a team in the last car topper that broke every etiquette rule there is. I'm not even gonna get into it. Just sucked.

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:22 pm

If you have an area with a person fishing and clearly moving up say a bank and towards a specific direction, it is is an unspoken rule that you do not just suddenly cut in front of people clearly moving towards a spot and within or just out of casting distance (because they would be in distance in 3 seconds if you didn't cut off their path of travel). Behind them or around them is another story, but spot jumping is bullshit and should be highly frowned upon!

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:22 pm


If you have an area with a person fishing and clearly moving up say a bank and towards a specific direction, it is is an unspoken rule that you do not just suddenly cut in front of people clearly moving towards a spot and within or just out of casting distance (because they would be in distance in 3 seconds if you didn't cut off their path of travel). Behind them or around them is another story, but spot jumping is bullshit and should be highly frowned upon!

I agree with this 100% it happened a couple tournies last yr to me i was moving up the bank at a slow pace and someone behind me were moving a lil faster hopped a dock in front of me and just planted themselves there within casting distance of us

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:29 pm



If you have an area with a person fishing and clearly moving up say a bank and towards a specific direction, it is is an unspoken rule that you do not just suddenly cut in front of people clearly moving towards a spot and within or just out of casting distance (because they would be in distance in 3 seconds if you didn't cut off their path of travel). Behind them or around them is another story, but spot jumping is bullshit and should be highly frowned upon!

I agree with this 100% it happened a couple tournies last yr to me i was moving up the bank at a slow pace and someone behind me were moving a lil faster hopped a dock in front of me and just planted themselves there within casting distance of us

It pisses me off to no end when someone cuts right in front of me. I bend over backward to respect other guys water.

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:47 pm

I like your response Johnny.I know as a general rule it should be 25 yards away unless anchored.If anchored it should be no less than fifty yards.
For instance some one stops to work a point.You assume they are going to be there for a little while.You pass by them for another target.They get pissed because you went around them.Did you keep your distance?If you stopped 25 to 30 yards past them you are o.k.
Nobody owns the whole shoreline in front of them.If they choose to work a spot then your free to go by and continue.It happened to me before when the other boat got mad and started casting towards my boat instead of fishing.They looked like they stopped at a point I went by them and hit my spot.It was well more than 25 yards away.
By the way one of the anglers is now my partner,lol.
Your working a tree for 10 minutes,another boat goes by you and works the next tree 45 yards down the shore,it sucks but thats fishing.All in all you don't own the lake or pond,s*** happens.
All I can say is I don't think boats should pile up on top of one another.You need to keep a casting distance between,hence the reason for 25 yards.

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:49 pm




If you have an area with a person fishing and clearly moving up say a bank and towards a specific direction, it is is an unspoken rule that you do not just suddenly cut in front of people clearly moving towards a spot and within or just out of casting distance (because they would be in distance in 3 seconds if you didn't cut off their path of travel). Behind them or around them is another story, but spot jumping is bullshit and should be highly frowned upon!

I agree with this 100% it happened a couple tournies last yr to me i was moving up the bank at a slow pace and someone behind me were moving a lil faster hopped a dock in front of me and just planted themselves there within casting distance of us

It pisses me off to no end when someone cuts right in front of me. I bend over backward to respect other guys water.

At the same time i hate when im working a spot and i move then someone moves in with conplete respect and catches the tourney winner out of that spot! Theres just nothing to do about that tho haha! Mill pond wareham was a good example hahahaha

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:52 pm

I can't stand fools that think they can walk up and cast by my lines, between my lines or in my general area/direction. If I can hear you breathing you are too close, and I have no problem telling you so lol.

I carp fish, they can be very tolerant and aggressive or they can spook quite easily, it all depends on a variety of factors. You casting a large plug over my baited area could mean I sit for hours with nothing...

On the over stay thing, meh..first come first serve, period. I fish for 8-72 hours in a spot depending on what I am chasing. You typically don't walk up to a water and land a 40+ pound fish in the first 5 minutes ( sometimes if you are in the right place right time but I am talking on average ). Takes time to build a swim some days. I take that job seriously lol.

And not just fishermen..If I had a dollar for each time a person let their dog eat my bait, walk over my rods/lines/chair mats..well...I'd prolly have enough to buy my own lake, let us just say that!

I don't mind anglers who come up and have some general chat, ask me if they can toss a few lures etc. You respect me, I respect you..but you walk up, ignore me and toss a lure over my line and I'll toss my 5 gallon bucket of fermented particle at you..and I have

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:48 pm


Posted Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:27 pm


I can't stand fools that think they can walk up and cast by my lines, between my lines or in my general area/direction. If I can hear you breathing you are too close, and I have no problem telling you so lol.

I carp fish, they can be very tolerant and aggressive or they can spook quite easily, it all depends on a variety of factors. You casting a large plug over my baited area could mean I sit for hours with nothing...

On the over stay thing, meh..first come first serve, period. I fish for 8-72 hours in a spot depending on what I am chasing. You typically don't walk up to a water and land a 40+ pound fish in the first 5 minutes ( sometimes if you are in the right place right time but I am talking on average ). Takes time to build a swim some days. I take that job seriously lol.

And not just fishermen..If I had a dollar for each time a person let their dog eat my bait, walk over my rods/lines/chair mats..well...I'd prolly have enough to buy my own lake, let us just say that!

I don't mind anglers who come up and have some general chat, ask me if they can toss a few lures etc. You respect me, I respect you..but you walk up, ignore me and toss a lure over my line and I'll toss my 5 gallon bucket of fermented particle at you..and I have

The dog thing gets me sooo angry. Especially when the owner walks up and throws something like a tennis ball or stick right amongst your lines. I've looked people dead in the eye and said "Really, are you kidding me?". "Do you not see mine or my kid's fishing lines directly in front of us and your just being ignorant or are you just a complete idiot?". Usually gets a stupid look back and almost never an apology. People absolutely suck sometimes.

Posted Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:24 pm

This is not about an angler crowding another but still an annoying experience sharing the lake. Fishing Whitehall from my boat ..... off shore approx 15-20 yards casting toward shore, almost on the shore. 6 kayaker s paddling towards us, as they approach they could see my wife and I casting at a fast pace. 4 of the yaks go around to the outside but 2 of them go right between us and the shore. Not much room but they paddled right through. I was in disbelieve but i guess not surprised. I asked one of them if they were really going to go through as I'm reeling my lure in. The guy looks at my frog and says boy does that look real. I told them I couldn't believe they went through and that if I was motoring by them I would extend them courtesy and slow to no wake and that they should give other folks courtesy as well. The guy looked confused and didn't know what to say.

Posted Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:23 pm

shoulda gunned that frog off his head. I used to shore fish walden pond a lot but the swimmers were out of control doing laps up and down the shore line like the whole place was theirs. I would go at like 5 am to avoid them and one morning a lady shows up at 5:30 and out of all the directions she coulda went she comes my way. As she approached I cast out as far as I could so my line was across her path. When she hit it she almost s***, looked up and gave a half assed sorry. That might be the last time I was there. I really liked that pond too

Posted Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:31 pm

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