i hate getting cut off. it's that simple.

and don't even get me started with the swimmers at walden...

Posted Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:56 pm


i hate getting cut off. it's that simple.

and don't even get me started with the swimmers at walden...

They completely take over the whole pond. I think I might go up there Saturday and park my battleship in front of them

Posted Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:00 pm

Today had hole group of jet skiers flying by and jamming the boat ramp while they do doughnuts . Talk about frustrated!

Posted Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:17 pm


Today had hole group of jet skiers flying by and jamming the boat ramp while they do doughnuts . Talk about frustrated!

Dicks. We had water skiers and power boats turning a calm lake into the ocean. What kind of boat do you have? Who do you usually fish with?

Posted Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:21 pm



i hate getting cut off. it's that simple.

and don't even get me started with the swimmers at walden...

They completely take over the whole pond. I think I might go up there Saturday and park my battleship in front of them

i don't know if you have trailers there. i forget but i do know it will take up a lot of space in that small lot. they may make you go park up in the big lot. they made me do that once with my old topper and they also grilled me about invasive species. i grilled them on invasive swimmers that have no respect and will swim right into your casting line even though they see you 100 yards away and you've been in that spot well before they started swimming your way.

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:53 am

my beef is with parents. if i'm fishing, don't let your kid stand two feet to my right swinging a rod with an exposed hook. don't let them scream in my ear. don't let them stomp on bluegills.

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:04 am


my beef is with parents. if i'm fishing, don't let your kid stand two feet to my right swinging a rod with an exposed hook. don't let them scream in my ear. don't let them stomp on bluegills.

I was filming a video on the canals with Ezra.. I was standing on a small dock fly fishing, had my camera on a tripod, mat laid down and such. There was a picnic table a fair distance behind me.

At one point this lady asks if I mind if her kids watch me fish. I was like, I dun care..long as they keep a distance ( I am fly fishing after all ) and don't throw things in the water etc.

She walks up the hill a bit while her two daughters hang around. Within 30 seconds the kids are on the dock, one of them is leaning on my camera and tripod while trying to see under the dock..We are talking a few hundred dollar item now..I'm like ..yeah, no.

I called over to the lady and asked her to come get her things away from me and to try teaching them some manners.

Ezra had a laugh, he was 12 at the time, cause I called them "things". I told him there were better words but I was trying to be civil lol. She came down in a huff, gathered her daughters and after they were out of ear shot leaned in and whispered that I was an a*****. Ezra almost fell off the dock in laughter.

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:21 am

Back in the day these things were few and far between. Then they became more frequent. For me it used to lead to arguments. Now older and less of bark (may be smarter...no no) I either move on and hear oh sorry didn't mean to have you move. Or I stay and toss obnoxious baits that usually reverses the above exchange lol.

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:19 pm


my beef is with parents. if i'm fishing, don't let your kid stand two feet to my right swinging a rod with an exposed hook. don't let them scream in my ear. don't let them stomp on bluegills.

This drives me bonkers when I'm trying to fish. Guess I was lucky enough to be raised by a bass fisherman who taught me simple etiquette. It's right up there with asking someone if it's okay to pet their dog. It's just common sense and courtesy.

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:37 pm

Gorgeous day today. It is the first time i went swimming in Walden pond this year...kid....i kid

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:19 pm

I run into this at Chauncey all the time.I fish from shore and I can barely tell if I have a bite through all the waves.Have to fish real early before pleasure craft and dog walkers come out.I caught an 80lb chocolate Lab one time here.

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:31 pm

Bucketeers & dog walkers who walk their dogs off the leash. I once had guy move into my spot after I caught a pickerel. As I was doing my best to unhook the fish without getting bit or hooked this clown took over my spot. Man I hate that.

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:59 pm


Bucketeers & dog walkers who walk their dogs off the leash. I once had guy move into my spot after I caught a pickerel. As I was doing my best to unhook the fish without getting bit or hooked this clown took over my spot. Man I hate that.

I would give him the stone cold stunner then he would learn

Posted Wed May 01, 2013 12:18 am

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