so after alot of frustration and anger i finaly got all the plate numbers from the 4 cars that have been dumping trash all over my local stomping grounds and i called the city today to not only have them come clean the shoreline of all the trash these miserable pukes have been leaving behind but i also gave car make,model and colr as well as plate numbers of 4 of the worst offenders and parks and recreation told me they would send a crew down to cleanup the garbage and also investigate the offenders in question and possibly handout fines if proven guilty. i am still angry that it came to this but i feel good that something will get done about it now. its because of scum like this that good spots get fenced off and no tresspassing signs get put up or worse the water becomes so polluted that the fish population suffers.

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:12 pm

Yeah, you can have higher chance to get them into fine when you take pictures when they are dumping at that spot. So you basically give officers "red handed" photos for their evidence against them. therefore, you definitely will be big help for them to get that scum people out of that spot.

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:19 pm

Congrats on taking some action. Now let's hope parks and rec actually does something beyond just cleaning up.

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:49 pm


Congrats on taking some action. Now let's hope parks and rec actually does something beyond just cleaning up.

I bet Ron Swanson Kicks Their Asses!

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:57 pm

Nice! We are losing access left and right and groups like you have seen don't help the cause. Way to go.

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:14 pm

Awesome! Hope they get the pukes!

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:28 pm

Having the same problem at a pond over in Hanson. Partying at night, beer cans, bottles, etc. Notified the Hanson Police and the Conservation Comm. two times but haven't noticed any difference Exclamation

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:10 pm


Having the same problem at a pond over in Hanson. Partying at night, beer cans, bottles, etc. Notified the Hanson Police and the Conservation Comm. two times but haven't noticed any difference Exclamation

Well this is actually the fifth time I've called about my lake but the first 4 times I called were about getting someone down to cleanup a pile of dirty needles I found on the beach opposite side of the lake from where I live, I was amazed that nothing was done til finally I called and threatened to call the mayor because the lake was being filled and if the needles weren't removed by the weekend they would be under water at a public swimming beach by that Sunday and finally they came and did somwthing so I dobt have much faith in them at this point but atleast my call as well as the plate numbers are on file so when I eventually call worcester pd I can say I already made a complaint to the city and norhing was done. The fact that these a***** carp fishermen are all in their 60's and 70's shocks me that an old timer could leave empty bread bags, cans of corn and cigarette packs all over the shore they fish almost daily, aren't the older generations supposed to be the ones that are respectful of nature and the younger generations are supposed to be the scumbags?

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:37 pm

Let me Guess Indian Head right?
I went to launch my boat there and the ramp was full of broken glass a campfire and make shift benches, I too left a call and have yet too see an improvement.
Sad! I don't mind a good woods party as I was a teen once myself but on a boat ramp entrance ? really and leave it all there??


Having the same problem at a pond over in Hanson. Partying at night, beer cans, bottles, etc. Notified the Hanson Police and the Conservation Comm. two times but haven't noticed any difference Exclamation

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:11 pm

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