The list of fish that I wanted to catch them in mass. Either I never caught them before or caught them at out of state. So, I wanted catch them in Mass.

1) Brook trout - Just caught this fish several weeks ago. Check!
2) Lake trout - Caught it last sat! Pretty awesome! Check!
3) Tiger trout - Have any idea or location for this fish? PM me.
4) Shad - Planning to hit North river but no idea to fish at.
5) Walleye - Wanted catch them in Connecticut river but need boat to do it.
6) Northern Pike - I know they are in Concord river but location is issue too.
7) Channel Catfish - Plan to fish at Charles river.
Cool White Catfish - same as channel catfish.
9) Mirror Carp - never caught one but expect it very soon!
10) Common Carp - caught it before but expect it very soon!
11) Landlock Salmon - plan to catch one in Chu.
12) Broodstock Salmon - Caught it for past two weeks. Check!

So, there are 3 fish out of 12 fish that I already checked on my list so far. I thought if I post it on here so someone can aid my quest for them. If you wanted to keep it as private info, just PM me.

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:41 pm

i know a place where you can catch a good sized pike as well as mirror carp in the same lake and ive seen where each calls home so i can lead you to within feet of their living rooms Wink

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:16 pm

and according to dnr survey there are channel cats in the same lake also but ive never seen one nor have i seen or talked to anyone that has cought one from there but according to the fish and game website they are there

Posted Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:17 pm

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