I just ordered a few things online from TheMangler.com...anyone ever use any of their stuff?

Posted Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:45 am

Pretty cool looking site. Thanks for pointing it out. Gonna reach out to them to learn more and see if I can do something on www.ezangler.com with them.

sftbllr12...let us know your experience with them!

Posted Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:16 am

Dude, it's like non-stop promotion with you. Take a lesson from Boag Hog, ease up and just join the conversation. People will find your site if they're interested in what you are saying. At the pace you are going you're just going to alienate people.

Posted Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:00 pm

Already has. Jay was here, started a company and doesn't use Maff to promote himself on every post. New member. Web address in every post. I ignore.

Posted Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:16 pm

I agree. These guys only post when its advantageous for their business. they contribute nothing else.

Posted Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:29 pm

BlooMagoo, shawneramone and stratos1966,

I agree with you all completely . You know, since I can't be on the water the way I like, I dove deep (much deeper than I intended) into building this site and I guess it's easy to become overly proud of a true labour of love you want to share with others especially when you believe you built it for everyone to enjoy.

But I agree with ya, so I'll tame it. It's always good to be reminded to check your pride at the door.

Posted Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:08 pm

C'mon guys, let's not get too rough on the newbie. In all fairness, Jay was the same way at first, just as Neil is now with his stuff, others have done in the past and more will do in the future.

Welcome new guy, just don't be pushy and you'll be fine. Throw out what you do or offer once or twice, contribute on a regular basis and everything should work out well for you in MAFF. This is a very supportive group for those who don't try to overdo it. Good luck!

Posted Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:31 pm


Thanks for the good words and I understand the concerns. I participated and launched similar small group fishing and motorcycle forums when I lived in Illinois. I'm the newbie here and hazing for bad behavior is in order.

I have to say my excitement about the site comes from knowing that if all works well I intend to donate a significant portion of any revenue to a veterans group that uses fishing to help soldiers returning from overseas suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (something I'm quite familiar with and close to) and another group that uses fishing to help autistic children. So I'm a bit geeked to make things work.

But again, I get it and will lax on the positioning, and despite what some may believe, I hope my insights and experiences have and can contribute to the forum!

Thanks again.

Posted Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:45 pm

Plug away buddy .... Everybody else does!

Posted Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:27 pm

I agree roger. The mans just supporting his business and the vets too. What better place to do it than here? It happens a lot here, especially Neil's dark side reels with t- shirts , stickers, sunglasses, etc. congrats to both of you. Ksnowman lures, timtim (or whatever that company is) . I'd they can do it,... Why can't this guy?

Posted Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:15 pm

Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not going after anyone here. I'm just saying once you get established as a contributing member and get your fellow angler's respect, let the rest take care of itself and don't try too hard. Fish on boys! Cool

Posted Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:49 pm

I think it was more the fact he was doing it on every single post. And was just posting to promote where as other contribute all the time and dont flood other posts with there sites or promotions.

Posted Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:01 pm

There's a difference between guys who are long standing members that start a business and promote it on the site that basically encouraged them or gave them the confidence to start a business. Then you have guys (I'm not saying you do this EZ as I don't know) that just join every fishing forum that they can find to promote their website/business or whatever. For me there is a distinct difference. I don't mind the guys promoting their business. But when every post/thread/comment makes some reference to it, well then it gets old fast. Neil's business is new. I think it's unfair to call him out about his posts.

Posted Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:18 pm


There's a difference between guys who are long standing members that start a business and promote it on the site that basically encouraged them or gave them the confidence to start a business. Then you have guys (I'm not saying you do this EZ as I don't know) that just join every fishing forum that they can find to promote their website/business or whatever. For me there is a distinct difference. I don't mind the guys promoting their business. But when every post/thread/comment makes some reference to it, well then it gets old fast. Neil's business is new. I think it's unfair to call him out about his posts.

Posted Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:48 pm


Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not going after anyone here. I'm just saying once you get established as a contributing member and get your fellow angler's respect, let the rest take care of itself and don't try too hard. Fish on boys! Cool

I agree with you Shawn, which is what I said up above. All I was saying is let the guy know about the etiquette for businesses and self-promoting and if he continues to just self promote and ignore, then off with his head.

Didn't call anyone out, just pointing out the facts about being an established member and THEN peddling your wares, like Jay did/does (who by the way I have purchased items from and will continue to) and Neil (which I happen to not need his reel service now or his sponsored sunglasses or Denali rods , but maybe at a later date shall) is doing now. If I'm incorrect and those two are not doing what I said (as an example only, nothing more), please correct me.

I could have mentioned a few other guys and what they have sold in the past. Those two guys just came to mind first because they are the top two at this particular time from what I see and that's not a bad thing if they earned it. The new guy seems to get it, but we shall see.

No matter what anyone says, there are always going to be those offended by others opinions and as long as you all remember that "Opinions are like assholes, we all have one" then everyone will be good.

Posted Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:28 pm

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