would you rather go out and throw senkos and catch 1 to 3 lb bass all day or throw big baits to try for a monster even if it means you dont get bit as much if at all?
i need some action! cant be sittin on the water all day with no bites . senkos all the way for me!
 7%  [ 1 ]
gimme a pack of marlboros and a big swimbait cause it gonna be a long day trophy huntin.
 15%  [ 2 ]
if i catch a nice limit i may switch to a big bait for the remainder of the trip and try for somethin big
 46%  [ 6 ]
if i dont get a bite after a couple hours ill say screw it and switch to smaller stuff just so i can say i cought somethin.
 30%  [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 13

are you an avid trophy fisherman always on the hunt for a new record? or do you hate going home empty handed and would rather catch a bunch of small to decent sized fish all day? i figured this would be a fun poll to start and see what kinda guys we got in here.

Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:15 pm

ill kick it off by sying im somewhat inconsistant, some days i just wanna catch SOMETHIN anythin but this is usually after days of no bites. generally i swing for the fences every time out and it dosent alwys pay off but i have cought some rather large bass ( considering i only started targeting bass last year and we live in ma lol) in my relatively short time bass fishing largest larry being 6.5 largest sally being 3.5

Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:18 pm

I did not vote because I feel I fall inbetween the choices given. I always go out looking for both quality and quantity. I try to use baits that will accomplish both and fish them in places with both. A typical day for me will see me with 5-6 rods. In spring I will have a jig, jerkbaits, shallow cranks, spinnerbaits and a swimbait. In summer and fall I lose the jerkbaits and cranks and add a frog, buzzbait and a texas rigged creature bait. In spring I am either up tight in the trees and bushes or out on the edges of flats and points. In summer and fall I will start in open water looking for an EMBG ( early morning big gurl) with a MS Slammer or woodtail or BIG top water. If cloudy and breezy I will stay with this all day and have confidence a big bite will happen. Once the sun comes up over the tree tops I start looking for cover, trees, bushes, docks, weeds, the thicker the better. I try not to dick around and always try and put my lure in the thickest , nastiest part of the cover. I feel that is where the biggest fish will be. I guess what I am saying is that you can do both. Pick the baits and techniques that produce big fish and stay with them. You will get numbers and size more times then not.
I can get caught up in the numbers game as well. Its hard to stop doing something when it's working. I have been known to pick up a senko to salvage the day but I usually go home and jump on the business end of a rake as punishment for my poor behavior. hahaha

Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:33 pm

^ good answer i suppose im almost the same way. ill generally go out with 3 to 4 rods and have 2 set up to go big or go home and the other 2 with esmaller stuff . ill generally throw big all day and if i feel the need to try n salvage the day ill throw smaller for the last hour or two.

Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:38 pm

I cant really find my place in the vote cause the lures im always throwing will produce big bass. I can catch a limit while having the chance to tangle with the big gals. When im fishing 75% of the time big bass are on my mind, but once in awhile i will throw small lures just to have some fun. Throwing a big swimbait or your favorite confidence lure could mean success in 30 minutes or nothing the whole day. You gota find the big bass, trick em and land them. But im going to vote on the last one.

Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:40 pm

Ok u guys got me lol. Maybe I should have added a few more options haha. But I'm getting some insight into different fishing styles so its all for fun. Case in point jigs... jigs will catch a limit of ok size fish but have also been known as large fish producers as well

Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:43 pm


Ok u guys got me lol. Maybe I should have added a few more options haha. But I'm getting some insight into different fishing styles so its all for fun. Case in point jigs... jigs will catch a limit of ok size fish but have also been known as large fish producers as well

Jig is a perfect example. They say a jig will get you quality over quantity which is definitely true, but there's been cases where i have found a schools of deep water bass and throw a jig in the same exact spot over and over with the same presentation. The jig will hit the bottom.... sit for 3 -5 seconds...two semi quick hops on the bottom and BAMMMM!!!!! bass after bass in the 1-3lb range until i picked the school apart.

Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:11 pm


Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:20 pm

I voted for the smokes and swimbait. Mostly because I do a lot of my open water fishing at night. Tossing a big bait in the middle of the night, and hearing it get crushed, is very addicting.

And I'm a smoker.... Cool

Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:58 pm

For me... I throw my Good.. good.. good ..good vibratio..nnns with slow deep(8"-12") special spinner early in the am...this get's the attention of some nice Big Larry's

These special guys put off a unique vibration pulse/frequency in the water....Berkelygrad..you gotta keep the promise!!


Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:00 pm


I voted for the smokes and swimbait. Mostly because I do a lot of my open water fishing at night. Tossing a big bait in the middle of the night, and hearing it get crushed, is very addicting.

And I'm a smoker.... Cool

you and me both brother. i love my smokes and i work 3 to 1130 so during rod n reel season i ALWAYS have up to 3 rigs in my car and when i punch outta work i travel 5 minutes to my bass spot at indian lake and fish til 3 in the morning then once i start passing out i drive to the other side of the lake where i call home lol. my 2 biggest bass were cought at 130 am in that spot and its scary as sh1t when your lure gets crushed in total darkness lol, plus you see some wierd ass sh1t in the water that late at night.

Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:35 pm

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