Anyone got any tips on Cape kettle ponds? I've heard a lot about their bass fishing, I emailed Jimmy Fee from On the Water a while ago about 'em and he recommended Grew's Pond in Falmouth and Peter's Pond in Sandwich. Any other ones anybody here can recommend? Particularly smaller and/or shallower ones, as I'm almost always shorebound. And if anybody has caught salmon at any kettle ponds too, a few words on that would be appreciated.

Posted Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:53 pm

If you are after the salmon, I heard that Snake, Peters, Big Cliff is three ponds that someone has better chance to hook up salmon. But other than that, I can't say anything because I never fished any location except Big Cliff.

Posted Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:56 am

I've seen some huge salmon come out of Peters Pond. Lots of trout and some big bass as well.

Posted Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:32 am

Wow, now I can't wait to go! I did a little research and found out that the pond stratifies and trout can be found between 27 and 33 feet, and I'd assume salmon are around that depth. If I can't get my offering that deep I'll just switch gears and go for bass. Thanks for the info guys.

Posted Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:23 am

Have fished peters and many others as I like to fish different species. Most ponds on the cape this time of year are busy with water sports as well as fishing pressure as we all would think. Peters is one of them. Large power boats and jet skis. As I fish I can look down and see the large fish swimming by and it is frustrating to say the least that they are mostly not interested in anything but swimming away. I still fish them and catch fish but the best time is later in the season. I personally like johns pond. It has everything in it. Lat week was. White perch mania

Posted Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:05 am

Skewl, in Harwich area they have some small kettle ponds that do not allow motor boats. I can'nt give more info than that because the one I fish is secluded and private. I have never had an issue with people complaining about me being there. There's many ponds on the Cape like this.
Best bet is to take a bag of plasticss, a pair of water sandels and walk around them. The ones I fish are too shallow for trout or salmon about 10'max depth. The fishing pressure is minimal and I usually catch quite a few per outing.

Tight lines...

Posted Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:32 am

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