anyone fish wachusett on opening weekend? any luck?
heading up there friday.....any tips are welcomed

Posted Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:04 pm

Bring plenty of tick repellant Exclamation The talk is the place is infested with them Exclamation

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:58 am


Bring plenty of tick repellant Exclamation The talk is the place is infested with them Exclamation

it's the only place I ever fished that I ended up with a tick on me. I don't fish there very often any more but when I did I'd wear pants and long sleeves even on hot days. Infested doesn't even begin to describe it.

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:03 am

Never had a problem with ticks at the res and I'm always crawling through the brush off 70. Half the time I don't bother checking for them after I'm done fishing I just throw the clothes in the washer and take a shower. I feel it's better not to think of ticks and just fish.

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:40 am


Never had a problem with ticks at the res and I'm always crawling through the brush off 70. Half the time I don't bother checking for them after I'm done fishing I just throw the clothes in the washer and take a shower. I feel it's better not to think of ticks and just fish.

my buddy got Lymme disease last year. You don't want it. You should always at least check for them while you're in the shower

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:08 am

First of all...ticks are EVERYWHERE fellas...NOT just The Wachusett Res...2nd...lime disease WILL kill "you"... slowly and painfully at that..What MOST are referring to when discussing the "tick issue" at WaaaWaaachusett is NOT a tick issue half as much a flea,tick,deer tick,chigger issue...I went there a few times last team-mate and I work 5 minutes from it...The real problem is chiggers ! IMO-...I had 2 of 'em there last year and I can say NOT FUN...little bastids are VICIOUS ! ! ! they burrow beneath your skin and are a b**** t' get back out...mine grew over so quick it happened while still taking casts...looked down at the back side of my left hand(guitar hand of course) and I see this welted bump....BEYOND ITCHY I pop it open w/ my thumbnail and the bumps got a little brown pitted center...I pull the thing out with a pair of tweezers and it hops off the end ...I looked it up on Google...yup...CHIGGER ! SOB way to deal is the highest grade bug spray "you" can handle without throwing up on yourself---and stay away from my "secret spots" over there and we should ALL be fine hahaha

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:50 am

Dave maybe you should take down the Dave from Wista sign at your "secret" spot

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:20 am

Never had a tick on me in chu. Walk open space like the fire road, you should be OK. As far as fishing, I was there both Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday, 5 smallies and 3 lakers. Limited out both. The smallies were: 1X21 Inch, 3X20 inch, 1X18 inch. Laker were 25 inch, 22 inch and 21 inch.

Sunday, 6 smallies and no laker. 1X19.5+, just shy of 20 inch, 1x18inch, 2X17 inch, 1X16 inch, 1X15 inch.

All smallies were released except one 17 inch gave to a guy didn't catch anything all day.

Photos and video evidence are upon request. Laughing

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:08 pm

We don't require "evidence." We'll take your word for it. Wink

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:57 pm


We don't require "evidence." We'll take your word for it. Wink

LOL, loaded one sample piture on the home page. Very windy condition.

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:10 pm

back on the topic. dude, are you fishing for what? Laker or smallmouth? Are you willing to hiking long miles?

quick tip gate 8, gate 35 for smallmouth (laker), stone church cause way mainly for trout/salmon. Please don't ask pin point location. Fish are every where in shallow. They come and go. Need carry light and move around. On opening day, I almost spent 8 hours there with very good fish, 3 lakers weights 11.25 pound total. 5 smallie well over 20 pound. On Sunday, I spent about 6 hours, I caught 6 smallie, not as big as the opening day. In average, one fish per hour. In reality, I would had 3 hours wihtout a bite, and 3 smallmouth in 15 mintues.

This place is great. It has the best smallie stock in MA, better than the bigger Q! It used to break my heart many, many times. I went their 10 times, maybe 8 times with nothing. Once I cracked it up, it become my favor place to go. I don't even want my boat anymore becuase I couldn't catch smallie this big on regular basis elsewhere.

This place will break your heart, will disappoint you, many people gave up. It takes time to learn the place, wind conditon, time of the year, etc. Regardless what time of the year, I caught them in shallow water anyway.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:24 pm

If you don't mind me asking, what are you catching those Smallies on?

Plastics? Cranks?

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:27 pm


If you don't mind me asking, what are you catching those Smallies on?

Plastics? Cranks?

Swimbait, Tube, Jig. Later on will use Spinnerbait, Topwater, etc. The temp is not there yet.

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:30 pm


Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:45 pm


Dave maybe you should take down the Dave from Wista sign at your "secret" spot

LOL, now that there's funny, I don't care who you are! Very Happy

Seriously though, that Lyme disease is not fun to catch at all. I found a engorged deer tick on my leg 4 years ago and pulled it off right away. I ended up getting Lyme Disease and it knocked me on my rear end for quite awhile. I swear I never quite recovered energy-wise, which can be a permanent and lasting affect. Best advice I can give is to wear good insect repellant at all times.

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:00 pm

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