Well you are still going to be pretty close to the Concord River so thats still a given, considering how well aware you are that its such a great fishery. Theres also the Merrimack River too, which will be basically in your backyard, which gives you a great shot at awesome smallmouth.
As for Mascuppic, yes I have fished there, BUT from shore. And it is NOT very shore friendly at all unless you know people on the lake that will let you fish in their yard. The public area where you can fish from shore is pretty limited, but I have pulled out a few fish from there. From your avatar pic I see you in a boat, so I assume you are primarily a boat fisherman, so I don't see the whole shore situation being a problem for you.
Also, sending you a PM to tell you something I dont want visible to public (and when I say public I mean non-members that lurk the boards)
Posted Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:09 pm