I have been thinking what anybody thinks about proposing a different style tourney.

Has anybody ever heard of a poker style tourney?
How about match style?

I'm just thinking outside of the box and seeing if anybody has any ideas on changing up a tournament format for the heck of it.

Please post some ideas and maybe we can come up with a different tourney to set up one time. If Johnny And Smoke agree ?

Posted Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:48 pm

My club did something a couple years ago inbetween tournies. It was a 1 on 1 tournament series. 5 fish on a pond of the 2 guys fishing choice. If they could not agree 2 pond names went in a hat and one came out. Think NCAA basketball brackets. You start off with 16, 32, 64 anglers, we had 16. you draw names out of a hat 2 by 2. and set up the bracket. #1 fishes against #2, then #3 fishes against #4 then #5 vs. #6 and #7 vs. #8. In the next round the winner of 1 and 2 fishes against the winner of 3 and 4. the winner of 5 and 6 fishes the winner of 7 and 8 and so on. In order to have only 2 anglers fishing in the finals you need the numbers 16 or 32. If you don't mind 3 in the finals then 24 can work. Any other numbers result in an odd number of guys before the finals. In my club everyone threw in $25 at the start and the pot was divided by the winner and runner up 75% and 25% so with 16 guys the winner would get $300 and the runner up $100. With 16 guys there would be 4 rounds 16, 8,4,2 with 24 it's the same 4 rounds with 32 guys its 5 rounds. WE started it in April or May and did 1 round a month. With 4 rounds the finals would be in July or August, with 5 rounds Aug. or Sept.

Posted Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:08 pm

I think if guys want to do stuff like that on the side fine, but the tourneys smoke and Johny run are fine the way they are. best 5 easy going stuff. I can see these guys bailing if people try to over complicate things.

Just my opinion.

Posted Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:59 pm

bring em on im down for anything fishing on a pond/lake is better than work anyday specially a tourney that is new maybe there wnt be pressure to get the biggest bag or the biggest fish.

Posted Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:23 pm

appreciate it Kman, we run what we run, you guys can put together anything you want, you don't need us, lol

i'm down for a poker tourney, why the hell not. maybe i'll win one for once, hahaha says one half of team no-catchum

Posted Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:45 am

Just an offer to add something different to the mix and get to fish and have fun doing it. Johnny and smoke run great tourneys. If everybody doesn't buy in no worries. I was thinking is we had a host tourney the host could ask if people would like that style or not. Majority decision would make the call.
I have never attended anything like this and not even sure if would be fun?

Posted Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:01 am

club tourneys.great,if you belong to a club. . .MAFF tourney's...never been ---don't own a boat,so I think it'd be pointless...no?I wouldn't run against Olympians if I had no shoes. . .So my take on this is simply this. break the state down into 6 regions n/w s/w n/c s/c n-coast/s-coast ( If "you" live in that region you'd get ranked there)the top 10 anglers from each region @ the end of the season would battle it out in a weekend long scramble to ANY/ALL bodies of water all over the state for the largest KEEPER of ANY/ALL species. 60anglers/60lakes kinda deal
these topics are why we LOVE this site

Posted Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:12 am

i dont think we should change up anything in my oppinion, if it works now why would you change it?

Posted Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:13 pm


i dont think we should change up anything in my oppinion, if it works now why would you change it?

I don't think jwall was looking to change anything, just add something else that is different.

Posted Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:07 pm

That's just my opinion, thinking out loud.

Posted Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:14 pm

i think anything different should be run on the side like johnny suggested. nothing stopping guys from getting people together for informal tournaments just like khaskins is doing right now in another thread. the way it is now is fun, simple, and included the most people possible.

Posted Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:28 pm

A couple of thoughts on the subject.
A one time different style event does sound interesting. But, I have no idea what's a poker style tourney.
An NEF style grudge match is a logistical nightmare getting two people to coordinate a time, date and place within a certain time frame...Plus there is always someone who only wants to only fish their home body of water to get an advantage.

Posted Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:01 pm

I have also never fished a poker style tourney. But i have heard about them once. I agree The tourneys now are awesome and don't change a thing. This was just a question to find out if anybody has done this or is interested. My thoughts were that if there was enough interest we could just come up with a format style (for fun) and initiate one around the main tourneys we attend. I can't attend some of the scheduled ones never mind adding one. haha But if someone has heard of a poker style that would be cool to hear about and see if there is any interest for one someday?

Posted Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:34 am

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