My buddy and I catch and release.However,if it's clearly a meal for 2 or more ya know...hey ok..maybe right? Well "your" actions effect others,and here's what I mean.last week we went out to the quabog river,there's an older couple there fishing and I pull in the first Larry of the day..take some pics..send 'em back in...guy leans over to his wife and says "Baby can you believe he just put that back?...gets up gets his stuff and literally leaves in frustration...Bri through back 3lber about 1/2 hour after they left.If he was mad at me ..Bri's fish would have given him a stroke when her threw it back

Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:35 pm

good 4 u! i seen a guy fishing next to me catch a 5lb in his boat. i look over hes bringing it to shore to give it to some illegals. i lost my mind this is a guy i see out their all the time and it is als a catch and release pond. all i can say is enjoy the mercury and hope he enjoys killing the pond 4 years to come.

Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:40 pm

does black bass even taste good this time of year? it's probably all fishy and weedy tasting. i personally have never kept a fish i've caught. i'm holding out for my first trout (though a good sized crappie might make the cut)

Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:45 pm

I should say though I come from a French family...and for a culture known for eating snails and frogs I'd say I've broken the mold!
Although I've kept every STRIPA I ever took off the back of the charter though(and its DAMN GOOD) I should say

Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:50 pm

maybe he booby trapped the sucker with a gps beacon and sends INS direct into their hole Twisted Evil

Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:37 pm

i hope so! its too funny... the rangers are so lazy they wont walk around the pond to catch them. theirs an easy 25 guys with no licenses bbq, fish ,drinkin,i guess a half mile walk for 3 grand in tickets is not worth it?

Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:18 pm

not if you can sit in your truck and play pocket billiard and getting paid

Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:22 pm


Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:39 pm

department of fish and game is not what it used to be. I remember about 15yrs ago they'd approach and talk to everyone at Jamaica pond and now they just drive by and don't even get out of the trucks.

Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:19 pm

I ran into the same problem at Quarter Mile Pond in Stoneham earlier this year. I called the rangers because there were a bunch of people tying lines to trees and coming back the next day. The guy called me the next day, i had just happened to be out on the pond on my kayak. He came, walked all around the pond, pulled out about 10 trout lines. So not all of them are lazy. That's for sure.

Posted Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:07 pm

I usually fill my freezer with trout in april/may and call it good for most of the rest of the season, only other fish I take are stripers and bluefish. And bluefish more than anything.

I ate a smaller largemouth once, it wasn't very good.

Posted Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:37 pm

Sadly it isn't so much lazy as it is understaffed. Sure some people won't go above and beyond but when we have such a small force to cover our vast amount of inland waters.... As with most states we just don't have the budget sadly because of useless spending elsewhere.

That's why I encourage people to speak out and make the calls when they see people doing things illegally. Don't be afraid to say "Hey...what are you doing?" And don't be against calling the EP's. If your lucky to have one in the area they will stop by. The officers I have met really do want to do their is just tough for them to be everywhere.

One officer I spoke to said sadly there was like 6 to cover most inland Mass waters...

I also encourage people to think about their actions. Sure you can catch 20 fish in a day...but do you need to keep 20 fish a day? I am not against catch and eat but do it respectfully, legally and responsibly. In the end the continued health of our fisheries, all fisheries falls to each and every one of us.

That goes to learning proper catch and release tactics as well as fish handling, cleaning up after ourselves and most of all respecting all the species that live in our waters.

Posted Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:46 pm


most of all respecting all the species that live in our waters.

You saying this reminds me of all the dead carp I used to find along the charles in waltham growing up. People said they were garbage fish and didn't belong there...

Posted Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:53 pm

Yeah I still deal with that reputation almost every day, though there are, as these forums show, a good number of people coming around to them as a sport fish. Our government researched and brought them over, they were not an accidental thing, and they were stocked once just as we continue to do with trout, bass, muskie etc. Sadly they were easy scapegoats and old habits are hard to break.

Posted Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:56 pm


Yeah I still deal with that reputation almost every day, though there are, as these forums show, a good number of people coming around to them as a sport fish. Our government researched and brought them over, they were not an accidental thing, and they were stocked once just as we continue to do with trout, bass, muskie etc. Sadly they were easy scapegoats and old habits are hard to break.

I still have yet to land one, all 4 I have hooked up with have broke me off! 2 on a 10lb mono setup and 2 on a 15lb setup!

the 1st one smoked about 30 yards of line from my bassing setup in what seemed like an instant!

Posted Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:15 pm

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