I regret to inform myself that some jackass stole all of my fishing gear out of my car. I am now without means to fish. If you see someone with a 6'6" Shimano Clarus 2 piece and a Daiwa Exceller 3000, punch them in the nuts.
damn that really suxs but im alex from ct and i have a extra pole and real and some lures i dont use any more if you want them im willing to give them to you if you want them .
damn that really suxs but im alex from ct and i have a extra pole and real and some lures i dont use any more if you want them im willing to give them to you if you want them .
Alex, that is extremely generous of you. Thankfully, in my mother's twisted logic, the best way to get back at the thieves is to buy me new and better gear. Go figure. I have a very nice Shimano Rear Drag reel on the way.
that too bad men ,I can't image it happen to me .I will be crazy ,too much money ,I spent in all my gear,
I hoppe the that persone who stole your gear never catch NOTHING.
Good look.
Guy hooks up with a big one but loses his/her balance, falls in the water, hits there head and drowns.
Then the lunker throws the hook and gets away. Then a pod of hungry snapping turtles start feasting on his flesh as he floats face down in the water.
To get your gear back you should get a permanent marker or engraving pen and put your name on your gear, that way if it ends up in a pawn shop somewhere you can get it back.