Typically you're looking for an area that has been "cleared" of debris and much, exposing the harder bottom underneath. In a typical scenario, you'll see rough circles of lighter colored bottom against the regular dark stuff.
In practice, beds vary from one body of water to another, or even within different areas of the same pond, depending on bottom composition. You're essentially looking for areas that look different from the typical bottom, of a circular nature, and that looks "unnatural."
You'll typically find them in shallow water, but in clear water it's not unheard of to see beds in 5-10 feet or even more. Basically, if the sun can penetrate and heat up the water and bottom you may find a bed there.
You'll typically find beds in areas with a sand or gravel bottom, or some other type of firm bottom.
For some visual examples, search google images for "bass spawn bed".
Posted Wed May 25, 2011 12:30 pm