Fished with the Kman today in the Lexington/Lincoln area. Got a few bites early in the day and then the wind picked up like mad. It was blowing the Pelican all over the place! The water level was ridiculously low, as it is everywhere. We were bouncing off stumps, the gravel bottom and I snapped a bolt on my fishing chair (so I couldn't lean back at all or I was going to end up in the drink) and the water was mad choppy. It was a complete nightmare! We had been going for a few hours like this already and were about to call it a day. All of the sudden the wind died down to just about nothing and the water calmed almost everywhere, so we agreed to give it a little while longer.
It was like someone turned on a switch or something. Kman lands a fish, then another, then I land one and we go back and fourth for a bit doing that. All keepers too, except for two almost keepers, two pickerels and a Calico Bass. Then the slob made it's appearance.
I knew it was big, but not as big as it was until Kman reached down, lipped it and hauled it aboard. It was huge! We weighed it up right away and bam, 5.14lbs! Holy crap my biggest fish to date!
We caught some more after that, for a total of 17 fish (14 keepers). Turned out to be a heck of a trip!
Last edited by pocketfisherman on Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:12 pm; edited 2 times in total