Hey Guys, we did this topic last year, and it was a popular one.

What are your accomplishments for the up coming season??

Well I was pretty pleased overall with how things went for me last year, but still not satisfied. While my number of fish and size improved, I still struggled at points. I still need improvement, more consistency, and versatility. I fished from shore 90% of the time, but I was glad to get on a boat as a co-angler in my first year of Bass Tourneys, and out on the Boston Harbor with a good friend. Some day Ill have my own boat, but probably not this year...

Main goals for me will be:

-Improve consistency, and confidence. Especially in Tournaments.
-Versatility with whatever bait/lure Im choosing to use.
-Beat my biggest Largemouth so far - 4lb 3oz (2009)
-Beat my biggest Smallmouth so far - 2lb 9z (2009)
***And on the Saltwater Side***
-Beat my biggest Striper so far - 24 1/2in 4lb 10oz (2008)
-Beat my biggest and only Bluefish - 20in 3lbs (2009)
...and anything else is just a bonus = )

Posted Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:40 am

2009 was a fantastic year for me. It brought about a lot of change for not only myself but also for what I do as a volunteer. We formed Blackstone Carp to handle the derby and expand on fishing workshops as well as promote catch and release carp angling. This was a big event for me and has kept me busy all year! I met some great people and have made what I hope will be lasting friendships, this website is in part responsible for at least one of those connections!

As far as fish themselves go I didn't break any personal bests this year but, with upwards of 300 fish on the banks and many of them over 15 pounds, I had a heck of a season.

For the upcoming year I would like:

- I would like to grow Blackstone Carp and streamline the events we do. This would include getting a few extra sponsors for the derby, setting up and coordinating volunteers to work stations instead of letting things happen as they may.

- I would like to catch a 40 pound carp.

-I would like to lose about 10 pounds and work out a bit more..so I can lift the 40 pound carp when I catch it!

- I would like to fish the CT river and Lake Tiogue and catch fish there on Dat Food Boilies.

-I would like to get more overnight or multi-day trips. For whatever reason I didn't go at night much last year.

All in all though i am pretty happy with the way things are. If I can get at least half of the good times and great fish I had in 2009 then I will be good.

Posted Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:11 pm

I can't set to many goals.
Just because i know i can't achieve them all in one year.
But here they are so far.
Target larger bass. I'd like to break 6lbs lm and 4+ sm
P.B 5.59lbs lm 4 sm
I want to broaden my knowledge of different baits and waters.
I also might try and catch a carp.
I have never caught one.
I'm sure there will be more as the season gets closer.
But I'm trying to chase pike thru the ice now.
pb 30 in lng weight ?

Posted Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:27 pm

This is great topic! so here goes.

Last season I learned so much from this forum, watching fishing shows & reading alot books during this winter ( I found that its the best cure for cabin fever!) But, still so much to learn.

-How to fish plastics (have not caught fish yet with plastic worm)
-Get at better at locating fish
-Purchase and learn how to use baitcasting rod
-Bet my largest bass 5.5lbs
-To catch a trout

I should keep list small so I don't overwhelm myself Smile

2 months til spring but who's counting!!

Posted Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:28 pm

Last year was my first year fishing MA, as I have recently moved here, but I have found some great spots and look forward to exploring some new spots. I bought a kayak this fall, so the possiblities are almost endless. Growing up in Upstate New York, we always caught a lot of smallmouth, walleyes and pike. I've enjoyed fishing in Mass where Larry is king. I've caught some big ones, PR being 4lbs even, but would like to get a 5 pounder this year. Other than that, I'd like to just get out as many days as I can, and enjoy the time I have on the water.

Posted Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:00 pm

my goal is to schedule more ma fishfinder tournaments
and to catch a bigger larry than last year wich was 6.4lbs
and i would like to further my spinner bait side business a little more.

Posted Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:13 pm

my goal this winter was a boat upgrade. we sold the crawdad (to a fellow ma fish finder) and i pick up the new one next week. a (craigslist special) aluminum jon boat with decking, livewell, 6 hp evinrude, trolling motor, and fish finder. we're going after chuck this year, lol. i'll make a few modifications before spring and we'll be ready to go.

this year we want to work on catching bigger bass after 10:00 am. this has been our set back in the tournaments. if we don't get them early, we usually don't get them. but a lot of tournament winners get big fish in the afternoon. we also want to do better than a 6-1/2 lb bag.

i would also like to work on catching fish in deeper water. we never seem to have much luck away from the trees and the shoreline.

and as we did last summer, we'll continue to venture out and try new places.

Posted Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:24 pm

we just recently moved from Taunton to Middleboro, so I'm looking forward to fishing new places this year. I fished practically 90% of the time in the last 6 years at Lake Sabbatia, which was literally 5 minutes from our apartment, so some new scenery is more than welcome. (I have a really bad back, so I can't get around like I used to)

My personal best largemouth in MA is a 4 pounder caught on a wacky-rigged Senko at Norton reservoir... but of course, my wife was down in southern Georgia with the digital camera! Crying or Very sad Another 4 - with a camera handy - or a 5 would totally kick @$$!

I'd like to catch some smallies too - it's been years since I tangled with one of these bruisers.

*edit - I am also planning on intentionally targeting chain pickerel this year, using scaled-down pike fishing techniques - just to see if I can do it. Smile

Posted Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:22 pm

Just was looking up this topic to see, what I had on my list?
Here it is:

-How to fish plastics (have not caught fish yet with plastic worm)
-Get at better at locating fish
-Purchase and learn how to use baitcasting rod
-Beat my largest bass 5.5lbs
-To catch a trout

Got'em all but one. -Beat my largest bass 5.5lbs
my best this year is 4.2 lbs

Still got a couple of months to go!! Laughing

Posted Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:46 pm

wow - I had forgotten about this thread...

I still haven't got to catch any smallies here in Mass, but I did beat my personal best largemouth with a 22 1/8" long, estimated 6 1/2 pounder in July(caught & released).

I've got to try several new bodies of water this year, which is a nice change. I've only been back to Lake Sabbatia in Taunton once or twice... I like living in Middleboro alot and don't really miss Taunton at all.

I've done pretty good in general with largemouths this year, I think. The trusty old spinnerbait has been slaying em! The Senko has been super-productive too... or more specifically, the Strike King Shim-E-Stick, especially the watermelon green w/ red & black flake. That is THE color!!

I know live within 7 minutes of a lake with northern pike in it, so my 'scaled-down' pickerel fishing never really happened... although I still catch pickerel pretty regularly while bass fishing - just caught one this afternoon, in fact! I've only caught 1 northern so far, but I'm working on it... I just bought some pike-sized swimbaits and will be getting some big bucktails & spoons soon too.

Posted Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:36 pm

a little late but this is my list I had in mind for 2010... unfinished will be a good start for a 2011 list.

*catch personal best largemouth (DONE)
*catch a smallmouth bass (DONE)
*catch a trout
*catch a pike (DONE)
*catch a salmon
*catch a tiger muskie
*try fly fishing
*try baitcasting
*catch a fish on a crankbait
*catch a fish on a jig (DONE)
*catch a fish on a spinnerbait (DONE)
*catch a fish on a buzzbait

I have caught a trout and a fish on a crankbait before but I was very young when I did. All other items listed are new to me.

Posted Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:31 pm

Hey - an excellent topic !
I would have listed the following for 2010 ... and, will actually use these for 2011 ... with those below *** added ...

*catch personal best largemouth - missed by 3/4 inch, but still damn good @ 25 inch
*catch a PB smallmouth bass - still looking for that 5 lb'er
*catch a new PB trout - Nope, last years still rules 24 " brown at Big Cliff pond
*catch a pike - Yes ! Landed a nice 32 incher in Sept (post coming)
*catch a salmon - Not this year ... missed going to Maine & Quabbin (!?)
*learn how to fish a darn Jig ... which I guess means I have to use one for more then 15 mins at a time ... ; )
*Get a SOT Kayak - to expand my fishing horizons - YES ! Got mine in Sept. ... Woo Hoo !
*catch a > 15 inch Calico ... nope, 14 inch best
*catch a really decent pickerel ... e.g. > 24 inch - maybe, had a solid candidate at the net at Halfway pond, wife missed the sweep ... oh well - next year
2011 -
those above, and ...
Explore with the Yak ... !
Targeting PB Pickerel [any hints where to look?!] and Calico (I know where he lives !)
Fly-fish more for Bass / Pickerel (etc) ...
Take my first striper from a Yak
Take my first Blue from a Yak
Live to tell about both above (!)
Take my Grandsons out fishing ... lots more ... !!
Build a spinning rod ...
Build some top-water plugs ...

Posted Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:58 pm

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