I was toying with braid for a bit and have had mixed results.
I use it for almost all my hook length..which you may or may not even bother with if you primarily lure fish. I am a big carp fisherman which means I snell a lot of my own hooks/hair rigs etc where I use a different line then my mainline.
As a mainline I have found that in smaller venues for me it worked well, gave me smooth casting and good control.
I have since switched back to mono mainlines though..or co-polymers but that is splitting hairs.. I have found that in many of the bigger waters I fish where sharp snags are an issue like rock ledges, mussel beds, or shopping carts ( don't ask ) that many of the mono's had much better abrasion tolerance. Many times the braid simply tore through to easily.
That is not to say that braid is bad..and many snags it will perform well in; trees, weed beds, silt and such it has worked fine for me.
Also pay attention to what type of braid..some do not hold knots well at all if they have a heavy coating on them, some almost feel waxxy. You may have to change the type of knot you use in order to get the right strength.
Always run a bit of mono backing first as well..when braid gets wet it can do some strange things if you don't have backing.
so there ya go, take it for what it is worth..
Posted Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:21 pm