You live and learn and I'm not following the rules after this. I finally went to return my broken St. Croix rod and was going to break it in half and send it back like everyone always says to do. But instead I asked a St. Croix Customer Service rep and they said NOT to do that, that the rod needed to be inspected from top to bottom, to determine whether or not they were going to replace it or repair it (DESPITE missing about 12" off the top and my 5 year guarantee that is only 6 months past). I packaged the rod up real nice, even putting Styrofoam all around it to protect the broken rod and be all nice and cozy like they said to. The package weighed just over a pound and when they lady behind the counter says "That'll be $27.15 please", I almost s*** my pants! I asked her why so much and she said that because of the long size, there was an additional $18 charge. I said "For what, is it bigger than the truck it will be going in?" After arguing with her for about 5 minutes to do something to lower that price and then her smug little obvious homosexual Supervisor, I foolishly paid the money and stormed out like a raving lunatic. I did have the crowd supporting me behind me which was nice. Next time I break it in half and send it in!
Thanks for listening to my rant