Paved ramp for the upper mystic and that lake is electric only. MEP do patrol that area. Access to the lower lake is via a ramp way down the river (near Wellington MBTA stop/wellington bridge). Its about a 4 mile drive up the river to get into the lower mystic. As mentioned, the water is way down so driving up the river would be tough although I did it back in the fall when the water level was low (not as low as it is now). Back in the early winter I saw some guy pull a 6lber out of the lower mystic. I've caught a few smallies out of there too but I'm not sure how big the population is.
Arlington Resevoir is very low (max 3 ft) as well. If it had been a harsher/ colder winter and that thing had frozen over for a long period of time, it would have probably killed every fish in there. But as the case is, there are still plenty alive and with the max water depth at 3 ft, it provided some pretty decent action although I couldnt find the size I wanted last week (but I found plenty of slime darts). Water temp was over 60 a week ago. I understand the effort to eliminate some of the weeds but the let down last fall didnt help the fish. Back in Nov. I was going to go there with my big boat and catch as many fish as possible to transport (shouldnt use that word since that would be illegal and maff has the most law abiding citizens/anglers I've ever heard) to spy pond so they wouldnt die such a crappy death. I never made it but luckily the winter was mild.
Posted Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:23 pm