I'm sure this has been asked before but,Do you think a new state record largemouth swims in this state? Do you think one will be caught in your/our lifetime? I'm a little skeptical but on the same hand,I have a couple places in mind that could possibly grow and sustain a fish like that.Who knows I guess but one things for sure.There is ALOT more guys on the water in this state BASS fishing than in 1975 imo.

Posted Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:22 am

I do believe there are a few, But I don't see anyone catching them. Sad They get that big for a reason.

Posted Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:48 am

there probably are... even though there are sooooo many people up here, there are alot of restrictions as far as lake access too - and some places just have bad access, like nothing but a tiny gravel ramp(if that), and completely surrounded by private property. Assawompsett Pond, the largest natural pond in the state, was privately owned for the last hundred years, until just a few years ago... so there's GOT to be some massive fish in there!! Wachusett and Quabbin have entire sections barred from access. There are fish dying of old age in there that have never even seen a spinnerbait...

Posted Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:30 pm

I think its possible somewhere there are. Also many that size have lived and died since. Huge bass like that eat bigger and need to feed less, they follow strict rules and thats why they grow to that size. If the genetics are right surely some mutant bass exist today in Mass.

That bass is said to be caught through the ice at Sampson pond in Carver, although if you go to the Mass fish n game site it says they have credible sources that say it was not caught there at all. Most likely caught at a nearby off limits lake and the story was changed to Sampson pond to avoid problems.

Posted Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:47 pm

I hear what you guys are saying about huge off limit places,I dont doubt that we have bodies of water that may have a,imo VERY FEW fish like this.Both the Wachusett and Quabbin also have enormous amounts of acreage you CAN fish.Surely bass are not intelligent enough to know wich ones we cant get to.I'm also curious why in almost forty years,no one has ever found a monster floater?If many have lived and died since,there must be floaters somewhere,yet never any found.I think Kman touched on one key,they eat big and feed less.Even with the amount of guys fishing,not many are throwing 12" castaic trouts and the like.Maybe those type lures will be the key to someone ever seeing or holding a fish like that again.

Posted Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:54 pm

I'm not an expert or anything but surely every lake everywhere every year has bass at the end of there life cycles, you dont see them all floating around. I would say the depth at which they die must have something to do with it. Turtlefood etc in the end.

also some of the bigger river systems may hold record or near record bass.

I find it amazing that Ma has the biggest bass on the East coast all the way down to Georgia.

Posted Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:02 pm

i have no doubt in my mind at all that there is a record bass in the sudbury river. that god damn place is prehistoric!

Posted Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:51 pm

Kman I know alot/most dead fish turn into turtle food or even birds of prey,coons and the such.I was just saying 40 years is along time for fish to hide and you think there would be alittle more evidence if there really are numbers of these fish.I think I heard a bass lifespan is around 12-16yrs,so ya theres been plenty of time.Also thats a very interesting factoid about us having the biggest bass on the east coast short of FL.Where are those stats documented?

Posted Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:12 am

I was wrong and just looked up some, both carolinas have bigger and I think Virginia has bigger as well

Posted Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:15 am

Thats cool Kman.I hope I didnt sound like I was trying call you on it,just seems like huge bass are more common in some parts of the south/se to me.Thanks for looking into it.

Posted Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:06 pm

Not at all, I was going by what someone told me. They are not bigger by much in the places I mentioned. Still amazing a 15 came out of Ma.

Posted Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:36 pm

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