I have found that many of the places I like to fish tend to get over fished and crowded around now with spin casters. I suggest you start taking some nice hikes around new water, especially rivers.
I just spent the weekend fishing new water in CT with a friend, and the best fishing we had was a 15-20 minute walk from the car to a couple nice pools with no one around for several hours.
I can certainly sympathize with the desire to jump out of the car and start fishing, but looking at google maps and exploring new water on a nice day with a friend or significant other can also be enjoyable and eventually very productive.
Look for riffles in the water for trout, plunge pools and the flats below a riffle for small mouth and chubs. you can also get some nice smallies and chubs in the pools just above the riffles.
all of these are great fish to get on a 5, 6, or 7 wt rod...if you get a heavier rod at some point Carp on the fly can be quite the experience (or so I am told...looking to go carp fishing in the next couple weeks near Lowell, MA).
Enjoy the water, enjoy the weather, and enjoy the solitude while you fish.
Posted Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:12 pm