If you want to fish Fosters from shore, here's how:
1. Off of Rt. 125 there's a small old, possibly abandoned substation, there's enough room for one car.
2. Follow the rough trail and go right into the treeline. There's an old broken fence, and a not so obvious old trail, continue through until you reach the defined trail ("Journey's End"?). Follow that trail until the end, which has an open point to fish from.
There used to be a rest stop of sorts near there, but a guardrail is there now with no access. I grew up in the area and used to carry a canoe across 125 into Fosters and launch from the wooded edge.
On the map it "looks" far, but it's not, maybe a 1/2 mile of uneven terrain, great if you like hiking and the outdoors. If you're REALLY adventurous, you can follow the trail, cut through a backyard or two by waters edge, and there's a small unconnected crystal clear small pond (at least there used to be).