Everywhere in life we have rules, even in our most laid back recreation.
If you and your buddies go out to have a few beers and shoot some pool, and your buddy scratches, you are going to hold him to the rule that says its now your turn. Did you still not have fun that night? If you and your buddies are in a saturday softball league and the other team wants 4 outs, you are going to point to the rule that there are only 3 outs per inning. Was that no fun?
If you and your buddies show up at the park to play a little 3 on 3 pick up basketball and your buddy travels, you are going to call him on it and possesion goes to you.Is your buddy going to take his ball and go home because it's not fun anymore? If you are teaching your child to play checkers and they do an incorrect move, you tell them they can't do that and you continue the game.You still had fun playing and teaching checkers to your child.

Rules are put in place so that controversy does not happen. Controversy cannot happen if there is a rule in place to prevent it. Controversy happens when people ask to circumvent the rules.


Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:59 am

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:07 am

Thanks Dad Razz

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:29 am


Everywhere in life we have rules, even in our most laid back recreation.
If you and your buddies go out to have a few beers and shoot some pool, and your buddy scratches, you are going to hold him to the rule that says its now your turn. Did you still not have fun that night? If you and your buddies are in a saturday softball league and the other team wants 4 outs, you are going to point to the rule that there are only 3 outs per inning. Was that no fun?
If you and your buddies show up at the park to play a little 3 on 3 pick up basketball and your buddy travels, you are going to call him on it and possesion goes to you.Is your buddy going to take his ball and go home because it's not fun anymore? If you are teaching your child to play checkers and they do an incorrect move, you tell them they can't do that and you continue the game.You still had fun playing and teaching checkers to your child.

Rules are put in place so that controversy does not happen. Controversy cannot happen if there is a rule in place to prevent it. Controversy happens when people ask to circumvent the rules.


Ive been sitting in the background just being quiet because to be honest I cant deal with the arguments and riff raff.

THis post is about as "simple and easy to understand" as it can possibly get.

It doesnt mean we need outrageous RULES it just means we need SIMPLE RULES that are concrete that everyone abides by every time we go out to an event.

The simple fact is if I shared everything I have planned for next year you guys would say "so whats the difference seems like nothings changed" which is 99% correct with the exception of next year it will be written and followed to a T with no exceptions under any circumstances.

with that said we will make the best of Sunday and may the best team/ man win.. see you all there

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:46 am

I like rules

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:52 am

"The simple fact is if I shared everything I have planned for next year you guys would say "so whats the difference seems like nothings changed" which is 99% correct with the exception of next year it will be written and followed to a T with no exceptions under any circumstances."

good stuff...just seems like there were different rule ideas out there like not being able to fish with someone else etc. you guys are running the show, you make the decision and that's that.

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:24 am

Fishing with someone else was never said to be disallowed.You can fish with who ever you want.The issue is one team catches the fish so it can only count for one team.I proposed to call the team an alternate name or one of the two teams participating.The number of tourneys fished will still count for the anglers.The other situation is if your regular partner only fishes 4 tourneys why should he or she qualify for a final?That refers back to Riches post on the a and b thing.

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:41 pm

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:59 pm

yeah that works. again, you guys are calling the shots so we'll roll with whatever you decide .

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:10 pm

I demand acceptance into the bottom ten.

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:25 pm



Haha i love that commercial

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:18 pm




Haha i love that commercial

Makes me laugh everytime haha

Posted Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:44 pm

You only need rules if you cant trust someone, think about it

Posted Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:07 am

Read the main page for the maff rules.no live bait and so on and so on.those are rules.They just need to be enhanced a little bit.Dead fish,being on time,what bag weight counts for what team,do I qualify for the toc?These are not serious rules like club meetings,you can't get out of your boat,you can't have a beer,you can't do this or that.This is still meant to be a good time and hang out with a good group of guys.I think the issue is there is money on the line so some people take a little more serious when they see something that may seem to be an infraction.This occurs when you go to fish a spot and someone jumps right in front of you or right next to you and fishes the same spot.When we don't show up on time or get to weigh in on time.When we don't check our fish to make sure they qualify.There are a lot of things that imply here.As anglers we need to maintain respect for each other and have fun doing it.Respecting each other mainly says it all.Before we do something we need to think about it and ask ourselves if it is going to piss them off.R.E.S.P.E.C.T for each other.

Posted Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:24 pm

I can hear Aretha now

Posted Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:11 pm

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