I used to go with my Dad to fish the Quabbin Reservoir, I believe for Brown Trout. It seemed like such a mysterious place, and BIG! I have been away from Mass for 26 years. Is fishing still permitted there, w/license? 10hp (15?) gasoline motor allowed?

God loves fishermen!
>make no wake<

~Foxfyre56 Very Happy

Posted Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:31 am

Welcome back to Mass. Quabbin is still open to fishing, usually from mid April until mid October. It is considered by many to be the best body of water in the state for fishing. You can find all the info you need on-line. Look under Quabbin Reservoir Fishing Guide. You can rent boats with or without motors. You can bring your own boat however it has to have gone through their boat wash program and have a seal on it. Horsepower is limited to half the capacity of your boat - up to 20 hp for 2 stroke and 25 hp for 4 stroke, Again, all the info is available on-line. The fishing is great for Lake Trout, Salmon, Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass. Occasionally you will get Rainbow Trout but I personally have never seen a Brown Trout there and I have been fishing there since the 70s. I have heard stories about the fishing there when it first opened up and they supposedly got large Browns and even Walleyes. In fact the state record for Walleyes is from there in the 70s. I have never seen one there and don't know if they still exist. Because it is primarily a supply for drinking water it is not managed expressly for fishing. At one time I heard they even killed off a lot of the smelt in the streams because they were interfering with the water, clogging up screens, etc. There is also a ton of interesting history available on-line about Quabbin if you're interested. Good luck.

Posted Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:01 am

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