I fell through the ice into about 3 feet of water Saturday. Almost froze my bird off and some hot girls riding bikes saw me and laughed. Just wanted to share that with any of you that are taking a shot at this late season hardwater. Stay safe boys.
Yikes! Glad you're ok...and I was just coming here to see if anyone had been by Quaboag this week and seen people out there...was thinking of going Thursday cause its been pretty cold this week. What body of water did you fall through? How thick was the ice etc?
Thanks guy and I'm no worse for the ware just sort of embarrassed about it. I've bee out maybe 50 times this year and haven't even had a close call until then. Last time I fell through was when I was 8 years old and stepped in an old hole and my Ninja Turtle boot fell off hahaha.
I was on Louisa in Milford (which I live on so I know it like the back of my hand, which makes it worse I guess haha). The water was in a shallow cove area and I guess the ice was rotted and crappy although it looked the same as the ice everywhere. The rest of the lake had close to an foot of solid ice however.
And those hussies on the bikes can pound sand. I hope their Huffys skidded out in a sand pile and their stupid yoga pants ripped.
I was making a joke in reference to dr's comment about Muskiebigfish...the only thing I would be fishing for on that video is on the right side of that thumbnail...she is smoking btw!
I was making a joke in reference to dr's comment about Muskiebigfish...the only thing I would be fishing for on that video is on the right side of that thumbnail...she is smoking btw!