
Junior Jr

watertown, Massachusetts, USA
Member since March 29th, 2012

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kayak bass fishing
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met up with jman (Mike) to fish one of my spots this morning...Water temp on the low 60s, barely any wind this morning. It started very slow, carp jumping all over the place, we started on a point with no success, i moved to a drop off T-rigged a ugly otter and BAM, a 3.14 lber. next fish was a dink on a square bill, then another decent dink flippling a bush. now this is where things got interesting... you see, ive been to this place a few times and EVERY TIME, the same square bill produces. i cast near a dock in shallow water (3') near a drop off to 7' and WHAM... a good fight, and that was the biggest of the day at 5.3lbs. then another 2.5lber after that on the same square bill.

all in all, best day of the year so far.

p.s... i have no idea why MAFF flips my pictures.. on my computer they are upright, but when i upload them, they flip

Posted 25 years ago

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I decided to try a new place today, call a bud i hadnt fish with yet and met him in Littleton. very heavy fog this morning on the lake, the sky was completely overcast, so i decided to tie a chrome perch lipless and caught 4 dinks on it, the only other bait that worked was the flat sided square bill, another 2 dinks on it (all fish were about the same size). as soon as the sun came out and all the clouds went away, the bite died.

Posted 25 years ago

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I went out last week without any luck, i wasnt too worried because i just wanted to try all my new gear and kayak. I had the goal to catch the first fish of the year today, just like last year.

tried chatterbait, squarebill and nothing. tied a red eyed shad in red color and that was what they wanted. caught two fish of decent size.

water was really murky, and temp was between 52-54 degrees.

Posted 9 years ago

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today Mikem decided to join me after i left work for some fishing. he collects rods and reels but only brought 2, which surprised me hahah. he said he had to test the cumara flipping stick, anyhow....

windy as hell, tied a red ish square bill on my new powell inferno with the bb1 5.1.1 (KILLER CRANKING COMBO), at first i thought the particular color wouldnt work since the water is clear, OH boy was i wrong. i caught 95% of todays fish on it and one on a drop shot. overall, a great day on the water

Posted 10 years ago

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today i made a huge gamble, you know when you had an awful fishing day the day before and that busts your confidence? (mystic river- Mikem's choice... thx bud haha)

well, woke up at 2pm (work overnight) and said F*** it, its hot as balls and i want to go fishing. didnt catch s*** for the first two hours, i was trying to figure out what they wanted since hot days like today can be tough. tried a PB& J colored jig, got a hit and got stuck on a tree branch 8' deep, that pissed me off, when i was about to give up i decided to give a few casts on a point where mike and i caught the 3lbers from our last trip there. caught a nice 2lber, the following cast, bam, another 1.5lbs. changed angles and BAAAM... as soon as i started reeling the lure, just started taking drag, as soon as i saw the size i started celebrating since its been a while i havent caught a fish this big.... 4lbs 14 oz. a lady who was doing yoga on her yard was super nice and took the pic

Posted 10 years ago

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Mike and I decided to go to a certain pond today for the first time but when we got there, they had just done weed kill and boating/fishing was prohibited for 24 hrs so we open the map and search for another pond within 20mins... we spot a decent sized pond but it took us another 25 mins to find a place to launch our yaks from, at first it seemed too shallow with plenty of lily pads, we caught about 10 small bass on the frog, tired of the dinks we tried finding a creek or a way to reach the bigger pond, and oh man that place is nice, tons of other small bass on everything, buzz bait, top water plugs, the winner of the day was a 3.9lbs on a swimming jig.

really glad we found this place and we know its a hidden gem because to get to the bigger pond you got to go through the small basin which is 5 inches deep. certainly gonna hit this place again

Posted 10 years ago

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i was gonna babysit my siblings today but when my mom cancelled on me last mine, i called and met up with mike to hit a pond ive been lucky every time this year and today was not different. spinner bait was the name of the game today, right from the start casting near some branches, BOM, 1st fish, 3lbs 8oz. then i tell mike to try this spot near a point and BOM he hooks a 3lb 14oz on a swimming jig, as soon as he starts yelling BRING ME THE SCALE, i got distracted and hooked onto a fish and spit the hook. we move towards the opposite end of the pond and i tell mike to cast at a certain spot and BAM hes hooked. after that we caught about 3 more fish each a little smaller but certainly at least 2lbs each.

Posted 10 years ago

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as mentioned on my other post in the beginning of the week, today i planned on doing a recon of ponkapoag for next week's yak tourney and bassin420 decided to join me.

we fished from 7.30am till 1.15pm roughly, despite of the crazy weather this morning, rain and wind gusts i managed 5-6 small bass (less than 2lbs each) lost one, and a 4lbs 11OZ ;) all in all, a VERY good day with lots of hits

Posted 10 years ago

So, today after the gym i decided to stop by upper/lower mystic lake at the dam just to see whats going on and the herring are here.

there was a guy from the rocks and a boat with two guys doing some weird kind of fishing, i then moved to upper mystic at the docks and in 10 mins, 3 police cars showed up.. i was like "WTF DID I DO WRONG?!", but the cops werent there for me. someone called the ranger who called the cops for the boat guys and sure enough they were herring fishing (which is illegal at the mystics) they got a huge fine, equipment confiscated and i was just watching.. haha. bottom line, stripers will be moving in this week if they arent already there.

Posted 10 years ago

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