Does using my new Xmas present for the first time on the North River earn me membership into the brotherhood or do I need to actually catch a fish? I'm good with it either way!
It's an Orvis Streamline 5wt and a White River net.
I tried an olive wooly bugger that I also got from Orvis and it looked great in the water. The river flow was pretty strong with all of the ice melt going on. There were bergs that you could have ridden floating by.
Does using my new Xmas present for the first time on the North River earn me membership into the brotherhood or do I need to actually catch a fish? I'm good with it either way!
Judging by the current set up in the background of that picture, it's just a matter of time ( and the presence of bait) before you get something to pull back in that spot.
Enjoy your new toy. Hope it urns out to be a special gift.