Do you buy your flies or tie your own?
 14%  [ 1 ]
 42%  [ 3 ]
 42%  [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 7

Anyone on here tie their own flies? I am looking to start this winter and would like some guidance on the best hooks and materials to get without spending way too much money.

Posted Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:35 am

Not sure where you live but in Western Mass there is the Western Mass Fly Tyers. They meet in Ludlow Mass and the next meeting is Sept 17th, I believe. Go on-line and I'm sure to can find out more info. They encourage people to attend their meetings and give instruction on tying different flies.

Posted Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:01 pm

thanks, I will look into it. I am in Haverhill (northeastern MA). I will look into it though because they may have some connections to others in this area.

Posted Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:56 pm

I just buy whatever my buddy tells me hes been doing it for years i can write down some of the materials next time i talk to him

Posted Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:10 pm

I started tying flies as a young teen in the early 70s. I haven't done it since them but I recall that there were lots of specialty houses where you could purchase starter kits that contain all the basic materials to tie the most common types of flies. Probably the most important piece of gear is the vise, be sure to get a good one.

Posted Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:01 pm

I have been tying my own now for a few years, really glad I started as it's a great hobby. I would steer away from starter kits as you can end up with a lot of materials you'll never use. Best thing to do is select a number different flies you wish to tie and get the appropriate materials. It's surprising how quickly your stock will build up.From a hook perspective I use Kamasan, very reliable.
Also look on YouTube for Davie McPhail, one of the best out there.
Hope this helps

Posted Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:03 pm

I agree with Sedge. Buy materials for a specific fly...or do what I did and get lots of stuff that will end up just sitting there.

There are plenty of instructional videos on youtube that will get you going. But, if you ever get the chance find a buddy to tie with. All of my fishing buddies that tie tie prettier flies than me. Not trying to be funny it is true. But I will let you in on a secret...the fish don't seem to care.

Basically, have fun, don't get too frustrated and have confidence that you will get it.


Posted Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:25 pm


But I will let you in on a secret...the fish don't seem to care.
Basically, have fun, don't get too frustrated and have confidence that you will get it.


So very true Very Happy

Posted Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:26 pm

Hello all, new to the site. I have been tying for over 30 years. Best advice is to keep your eyes open for some tying lessons. Do a Google search of your area. Look for Rod and Gun Clubs, TU, fly shop or any Fly Fishing Club offering classes. even better would be to find someone that lives near you that ties. I would not buy a kit, if you feel that you want to start on your own, I would begin with Wooly Buggers (black ones). Easy fly to tie and a great catcher. In fact I would hazard a guess that it will probably the pattern you catch the most fish on in your life. Oh once you learn you'll fill boxes and boxes with all differnet patterns and colors, but a good old black wooly bugger in size 8 will catch most of your fish.

Posted Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:16 pm

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