Hello all, new to the site. I have been tying for over 30 years. Best advice is to keep your eyes open for some tying lessons. Do a Google search of your area. Look for Rod and Gun Clubs, TU, fly shop or any Fly Fishing Club offering classes. even better would be to find someone that lives near you that ties. I would not buy a kit, if you feel that you want to start on your own, I would begin with Wooly Buggers (black ones). Easy fly to tie and a great catcher. In fact I would hazard a guess that it will probably the pattern you catch the most fish on in your life. Oh once you learn you'll fill boxes and boxes with all differnet patterns and colors, but a good old black wooly bugger in size 8 will catch most of your fish.
Posted Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:16 pm