Hi All, I haven't posted here much but I have a rant from things I saw today that I needed to share. Hope it's not too negative, but whoever did it deserves to be called out publicly.

I was out at a spot on the Quinapoxet River today that I frequent often, and although I landed a really nice Brown trout I saw some disappointing things. The lesser disappointment was the unfortunate trash that someone left behind. It's not that hard to carry out your salmon egg container or the cup the worms came in. Thanks, I enjoyed cleaning up your mess. I won't get started on how I think fishing for wild trout with bait in a small river once you get past the age of 12 or so is a little lame...

The other disappointing thing was the signs of poaching. I found a pool with a huge gut pile in it. There were enough stomachs and intestines there to have come from several fish, and the limit is 3 on this river. Worse than that was the fact that in the next pool were two filleted trout that were left behind. Why kill a fish you don't intend to eat and leave them behind? I'm guessing someone got spooked by an EPO and chucked a couple fish into the next pool to avoid being obviously over the limit (or no license perhaps?). I have nothing against taking one or two here and there, but there is no need to go over the limit or leave dead fish behind. Kind of sad some people behave like this. You are not a fisherman if you kill fish and leave them there dead (while also very likely going over your limit).

If I see this when I am there the EPO's number is in my phone and I will make the call. I'm sure most here would as well. Please program that number into your phone and help stop people from acting like this. Just pissing resources away for everyone, and basically cruelty to the poor fish. Lame to see. 800-632-8075 so you don't have to look it up. The real fisherman can help protect great places like this if we have no tolerance for people who would act like this.

Thanks for being with my rant. I hope everyone gets out this weekend and catches some fish.

Posted Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:18 pm

Solid post. I just put the number in my phone. People suck.

Posted Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:34 pm

The only problem with calling the E.P.is there is no telling if they will respond or when they will arrive. It's not like calling the local P.D. Exclamation

Posted Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:00 pm

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